371 datasets found

Keywords: galaxy kinematics

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  • Velocity gradient and galaxy properties correlation

    Galaxy properties are known to correlate most tightly with the galaxy effective stellar velocity dispersion {sigma}e. Here, we look for additional trends at fixed {sigma}e using...
  • Stellar populations in green valley galaxies

    The green valley (GV) represents an important transitional state from actively star-forming galaxies to passively evolving systems. Its traditional definition, based on colour,...
  • Velocity dispersions in star-forming galaxies

    We infer the intrinsic ionized gas kinematics for 383 star-forming galaxies across a range of integrated star formation rates (SFR{in}[10^-3^, 10^2^]M_{sun}/yr) at z~<0.1...
  • Properties of giant molecular clouds in NGC 1300

    Star formation activity depends on galactic-scale environments. To understand the variations in star formation activity, comparing the properties of giant molecular clouds...
  • Galaxies and groups around the WFI 2033-4723 lens

    Galaxies and galaxy groups located along the line of sight towards gravitationally lensed quasars produce high-order perturbations of the gravitational potential at the lens...
  • UGC 1378's giant low surface brightness disc

    The dominant physical processes responsible for the formation and longevity of giant gaseous and stellar discs in galaxies remain controversial. Although they are rare (less...
  • Identification and confirmation of NGC 3344 SNRs

    We present the first optical identification and confirmation of a sample of supernova remnants (SNRs) in the nearby galaxy NGC 3344. Using high spectral and spatial resolution...
  • Galaxy-scale strong gravitational lensing sample

    By comparing the dynamical and lensing masses of early-type lens galaxies, one can constrain both the cosmological parameters and the density profiles of galaxies. We explore...
  • Calibration of the virial factor f in SMBHs

    Using a compiled sample of 34 broad-line active galactic nuclei (AGNs) with measured H{beta} time lags from the reverberation mapping (RM) method and measured bulge stellar...
  • NGC 3115 Stellar Populations and Kinematics

    We present a combination of the Schwarzschild orbit-superposition dynamical modelling technique with the spatially-resolved mean stellar age and metallicity maps to uncover the...
  • Star formation in the Carina Nebula

    Using the Mopra telescope, we have targeted 61 regions in the Carina Nebula, covering an area of 1.5deg^2^, of bright and compact 870{mu}m dust continuum emission for molecular...
  • Age of the Galactic stellar halo from Gaia WDs

    We use 156044 white dwarf candidates with >=5{sigma} significant parallax measurements from the Gaia mission to measure the velocity dispersion of the Galactic disc;...
  • Isolated galaxy triplets in the local universe

    Understanding the dynamics of galaxy triplet systems is one of the significant ways of obtaining insight into the dynamics of large galaxy clusters. Towards that aim, we present...
  • Velocity dispersions for CALIFA Galaxies

    We present tables of velocity dispersions derived from CALIFA V1200 datacubes using PIPE3D. Four different dispersions are extracted from emission (ionized gas) or absorption...
  • Model selection with strong-lensing systems

    In this paper, we use an unprecedentedly large sample (158) of confirmed strong lens systems for model selection, comparing five well-studied Friedmann-Robertson-Walker...
  • SPIDERS BCGs gri photometry

    We present a sample of 329 low-to intermediate-redshift (0.05<z<0.3) brightest cluster galaxies (BCGs) in X-ray-selected clusters from the SPectroscopic IDentification of...
  • Milky Way globular clusters data

    We have determined masses, stellar mass functions, and structural parameters of 112 Milky Way globular clusters by fitting a large set of N-body simulations to their velocity...
  • BASS. IV. NIR lines & correlation with X-ray

    We provide a comprehensive census of the near-infrared (NIR, 0.8-2.4um) spectroscopic properties of 102 nearby (z<0.075) active galactic nuclei (AGN), selected in the hard...
  • Galaxies angular momentum evolution

    We present a MUSE (Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer) and KMOS (K-band Multi-Object Spectrograph) dynamical study 405 star-forming galaxies at redshift z=0.28-1.65 (median...
  • Halpha maps of 3 LIRGS

    We have observed three luminous infrared galaxy systems (LIRGS) which are pairs of interacting galaxies, with the Galaxy H{alpha} Fabry-Perot system (GH{alpha}FaS) mounted on...
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