OHGDGT global surface sediment data
Here, we compile an extensive global surface sediment dataset of OH-isoGDGTs as well as regular isoprenoid GDGTs (isoGDGTs), with both data generated at NIOZ and previously... -
Long chain diols and diol indices of surface sediments of the Iberian Atlanti...
Long chain diols are lipids that have gained interest over the last years due to their high potential to serve as biomarkers and diol indices have been proposed to reconstruct... -
Long chain diols and diol indices of surface sediments of the Iberian Atlanti...
Long chain diols are lipids that have gained interest over the last years due to their high potential to serve as biomarkers and diol indices have been proposed to reconstruct... -
Fractional abundance of different GDGTs in riverbed sediments on the Malay Pe...
In August 2018, 10 riverbed sediments and 12 marine surface sediments were collected from the Kelantan and Pahang Rivers as well as the adjacent Sunda Shelf using a grab... -
Collection of OH-GDGTs-based temperatures of the Pacific sector of the Southe...
This dataset contains three new sites of OH-GDGTs in the Drake Passage and refers to Figure 14 in the corresponding publication. It is supplemented by previously published sites... -
Collection of GDGT-derived temperatures of 22 new sites at the Chilean margin...
This dataset contains 22 new sites at the Chilean margin to verify the functionality of common regional and global calibrations for GDGTs and potential depth habitat based on... -
Fractional abundance of hopanes of biological origin in relation to their dia...
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GDGT fractional abundances and indices, n-Alkane concentrations, and isotopic...
GDGT and n-alkane isotopic compositions in suspended sediments samples of the...
Carbon Fractional abundance of homohopane isomer C31ββR from sediment core AR...
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Long chain diol, C32 abundance of sediment core ARA04C/37, Beaufort Sea, Arct...
This dataset has no description
Heterocyst glycolipids and SWT reconstruction of sediment cores 9R and 10R at...
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Contents and fractional abundances of homohopane isomers in sediment core SO2...
Missing values indicate where compounds were below detection limit. -
Contents and fractional abundances of homohopane isomers in sediment core SO2...
Missing values indicate where compounds were below detection limit. -
Contents and fractional abundances of homohopane isomers in sediment core SO2...
Missing values indicate where compounds were below detection limit. -
Contents and fractional abundances of homohopane isomers in sediment core SO2...
Missing values indicate where compounds were below detection limit. -
Long-chain diols in rivers measured in SPM and sediments
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Fractional abundances and concentrations of GDGT collected by sediment trap P...
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Fractional abundances and concentrations of GDGT collected by sediment trap F...
This dataset has no description
Fractional abundances and concentrations of GDGT collected by sediment trap G...
This dataset has no description