environmental DNA sequencing of catch water for estimating species composition
This project utilised Nanopore sequencing and metabarcoding to analyse environmental DNA (eDNA) samples collected from an onboard catch holding tank (catch water) in demersal... -
Fish larval diversity in the waters of Kuala Terengganu
To study the diversity and assemblages of fish larvae in waters covering estuary, river mouth and shore waters nearby Kuala Terengganu, a coastal city in the east coast of... -
A simple microbiome in the European common cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis
The European common cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis, is used extensively in biological and biomedical research yet its microbiome remains poorly characterized. We analyzed the... -
Comparison of parasitic cnidarians Buddenbrockia plumatellae, Sphaerospora el...
Transcriptomic analysis of free-living and parasitic cnidarians to examine the evolution and co-option of venom in each lineage -
Changes of intestinal microbiota accompanying gonadal maturation in yellow dr...
However, the structure and diversity of intestinal microbiota in both male and female fish changed significantly after spawning. In addition, Mantel analysis showed a certain... -
Fish microbiomes across a salinity gradient
Disease is a significant issue to aquaculture, and bacterial infections are common, yet our understanding of how fish host microbiomes interact with the bacterial diversity in... -
Atlantic salmon microbiome Raw sequence reads
The aim of this study was to observe the microbiome on the skin-mucus of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), before and after physical stress. The microbial community in the... -
the intestinal microbiota of Trachinotus ovatus Metagenome
the samples were collected from the intestinal in golden pompano, which was fed with difference lever dietary corn starch for 8 weeks. -
Deep sea eDNA metabarcoding
This study aims at characterizing the deep sea eukaryotic diversity in the Canyon Dohrn (Thyrrhenian Sea) through DNA metabarcoding of V9-18S and 12S regions. -
Early salmon fry microbiota
Yolk sac fry of Atlantic salmon were reared under two microbial conditions: 1) Hatched under germfree conditions, and then colonized one week post hatching by using untreated... -
The microflora structure in digestive tract of hybrid grouper cultured in out...
The microflora structure in digestive tract of hybrid grouper cultured in outdoor pond based on a high-throughput sequencing technique -
Metabarcoding analysis of ichthyoplankton in the East/Japan Sea
We designed the novel fish-specific universal primers (FishU) to analyze ichthyoplankton from the zooplankton net samples, which have a longer amplicon size and higher taxon... -
Trachinotus ovatus Metagenome
the samples were collected from the intestinal in golden pompano, which was fed with difference lever dietary glycolipid ratio for 8 weeks. -
Lutjanus campechanus Targeted Locus (Loci)
The goal of this study was to characterize the natural microbiota of wild Lutjanus campechanus gill, feces, and blood. This microbiota data can be used in aquaculture for future... -
Farmed Marine FinFishes Targeted loci environmental
Elucidating the microbial community associated with the marine fin fishes reared in sea-cages -
NGS data for fish 12S rRNA and COI
The dataset is comprised of ecoPrimer, Elas12S and sharkCOI datasets and is used for detecting the overall fish diversity in Hong Kong with an emphasis on sharks and rays. -
Microbiome dynamics of coral reefs, Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease, and reef...
Coral reef ecosystems are important habitats for marine fauna such as cleanerfish and damselfish. Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease (SCTLD) is devastating coral reef ecosystems in... -
Zooplankton microbiome of the Amazon River Plume and western trophic North At...
The goal of this study was to investigate if mesozooplankton grazers in the Amazon River plume-influenced western trophic North Atlantic directly grazed upon diazotrophic... -
marine eDNA metabarcoding: storage and filter effects
Environmental DNA and subsequent metabarcoding are useful tools for assessing marine fish biodiversity in a non-invasive manner. It is of particular importance to assess... -
Microbial community associated with Tubastraea tagusensis tissue necrosis
This is the first report of disease in azooxanthellate scleractinian corals, associated with a powerful invasive species of the Brazilian coast, Tubastraea tagusensis. . In this...