Japanese-Slovene learner's dictionary jaSlo 3.1
The jaSlo dictionary is primarily intended for Slovene students learning Japanese. For each entry, it contains the Japanese headword (kanji, hiragana or katakana, and romaji),... -
Growing Dictionary of the Slovenian Language
The Growing Dictionary of the Slovenian Language contains new lexis that is gaining ground in Slovenian and hasn’t been yet recorded in other dictionaries (suggestions for... -
Franček portal headword list
The headword list represents the core of the "Franček" educational portal data. The list is comprised of the most frequent headwords in the dictionaries of Slovenian language.... -
Dictionary of the Slovenian Language in the Works of Janez Svetokriški
The Dictionary of the Slovenian Language in the Works of Janez Svetokriški (Slovar jezika Janeza Svetokriškega) presents and explains the lexis, including proper nouns, from 233... -
Slovene-Japanese Learner's Dictionary sloJa 1.0
The Slovenian-Japanese online dictionary for Slovenian speaking learners of Japanese was compiled by extracting and converting the Japanese-Slovenian dictionary jaSlo 3.1... -
eSSKJ collocations 1.0
The database of eSSKJ Collocations 1.0 contains entries for 1797 headwords (1186 nouns, 140 verbs, 421 adjectives, and 48 adverbs) and 167 multi-word expressions with 3098... -
Dictionary of Slovenian Particles
The dictionary describes the particles in the Slovenian language. It contains 429 entries with information on variants, dynamic and tonal accent, particle type, the meaning and... -
Bosworth-Toller’s Anglo-Saxon Dictionary online
Description : This is an online edition of An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, or a dictionary of "Old English". The dictionary records the state of the English language as it was used... -
Thesaurus linguae Latinae
The Thesaurus linguae Latinae is the first comprehensive dictionary of ancient Latin; • it is compiled on the basis of all Latin texts surviving from antiquity (until AD... -
On-line Dictionary of medieval latin in the Czech lands
The Dictionary of Medieval Latin in the Czech Lands registers and explains the vocabulary of Medieval Latin as used in the Czech lands since the beginnings of Latin writing in... -
Dictionary of the standard Latvian language
~64 000 entries -
Dictionnaire de l'occitan médiéval (DOM)
In the Middle Ages, Old Occitan (formerly "Old Provençal"), the language of the troubadours, was a literary and cultural language, the influence of which extended far beyond the... -
Bavaria's Dialects Online
Bavaria's Dialects Online (BDO) is the digital language information system of the three projects "Bavarian Dictionary", "Franconian Dictionary", and "Dialectological Information... -
e-LIS: Electronic Bilingual Dictionary Italian Sign Language (LIS) – Italian ...
Legacy files of the former Electronic Bilingual Dictionary Italian Sign Language (LIS) - Italian, the first prototype of an online Italian Sign Language reference dictionary... -
The cultural deprivation and the schooling of the youth
V raziskavo je bila zajeta celotna generacija mladine, ki je končala osnovno šolo v občini Velenje v letu 1977. Raziskovalci so se za omenjeno generacijo odločili, ker je bila... -
Adriaen Koerbagh, Nieuw Woorden-boek der Regten 1664
Diplomatische transcriptie van de uitgave:’t NIEUW WOORDEN-BOEK Der REGTEN, Ofte een Vertaalinge en Uytlegginge Van Meest alle de Latijnse woorden, en wijse van spreeken, in... -
J.M. Calisch en N.S. Calisch: Beknopt kunstwoordenboek [1882]
Beknopt Kunstwoordenboek, of Verklaring van de meest voorkomende vreemde woorden en spreekwijzen, waarvan de kennis voor ieder burger en koopman onmisbaar is. door J.M. Calisch... -
Adriaen Koerbagh, Bloemhof 1668
Diplomatische transcriptie van de uitgave:Een Bloemhof van allerley lieflijkheyd sonder verdriet geplant door Vreederijk Waarmond, ondersoeker der waarheyd, Tot nut en dienst... -
Woordenschat, verdeelt in bastaardt-woorden, konst-woorden, verouderde woorde...
L. Meijers Woordenschat, In drie Deelen ghescheiden, Van welke het I. Bastaardtwoorden, II. Konstwoorden, III. Verouderde woorden beghrijpt. De Vijfde Druk, verbeeterdt, en...