LifeWatch observatory data: permanent Cetacean passive acoustic sensor networ...
As part of the Belgian LifeWatch observatory, a permanent Cetacean passive acoustic network is established in the Belgian Part of the North Sea. The sensor network uses C-PODs... -
SHARK - National marine environmental monitoring of Harbour porpoise in Sweden
<p>The national monitoring program is financed by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management.</p><p>Monitoring is performed by the Swedish Museum of... -
Porpoises (NRM)
This database is about observations of porpoises around Sweden. -
Baltic porpoise acoustic surveys 01-02
Boat-based acoustic surveys for harbor porpoises in the Baltic Sea during the summers of 2001 and 2002. -
Baltic porpoise sightings 01-02
Dataset information available at <a href=http://seamap.env.duke.edu/datasets/detail/344 target=_blank>http://seamap.env.duke.edu/datasets/detail/344</a> -
Marine Awareness North Wales, Wildlife Trust harbor porpoise baseline surveys...
Data collected from 2002 to 2004 on harbor porpoise populations at the north coast of Anglesey, Wales, United Kingdom. -
LifeWatch observatory data: permanent Cetacean passive acoustic sensor networ...
As part of the Belgian LifeWatch observatory, a permanent Cetacean passive acoustic network is established in the Belgian Part of the North Sea. The sensor network uses C-PODs... -
OCEAMM harbor porpoise sightings in the North Sea
In this study, systematic surveys were conducted to document the distribution of the harbor porpoise observed in the English Channel (North Sea, France). -
Small Cetaceans in the European Atlantic and North Sea (SCANS II) - 2005
Sightings SCANS-II, shipboard data -
CODA cetacean sightings on primary platform of vessel surveys 2007
The Cetacean Offshore Distribution and Abundance in the European Atlantic (CODA) project estimated the abundance and investigated the habitat use of cetacean species in waters... -
Green Balkans cetacean strandings on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast
Cetacean strandings on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast in 2010. -
CODA cetacean sightings on tracker platform of vessel surveys 2007
The Cetacean Offshore Distribution and Abundance in the European Atlantic (CODA) project estimated the abundance and investigated the habitat use of cetacean species in waters... -
LifeWatch observatory data: permanent Cetacean passive acoustic sensor networ...
As part of the Belgian LifeWatch observatory, a permanent Cetacean passive acoustic network is established in the Belgian Part of the North Sea. The sensor network uses C-PODs... -
Porpoises (NRM)
This database is about observations of porpoises around Sweden.