EBDC Business Investment Panel (2020)
Das EBDC Business Investment Panel, BIP, besteht aus den wichtigsten Variablen des ifo Investitionstests und den entsprechenden Bilanzdaten aus den Unternehmensdatenbanken... -
EBDC Business Expectations Panel (2017)
Das EBDC Business Expectations Panel, BEP, besteht aus den wichtigsten Variablen des ifo Konjunkturtests und den entsprechenden Bilanzdaten aus den Unternehmensdatenbanken... -
EBDC Business Investment Panel (2017)
Das EBDC Business Investment Panel, BIP, besteht aus den wichtigsten Variablen des ifo Investitionstests und den entsprechenden Bilanzdaten aus den Unternehmensdatenbanken... -
EBDC Business Innovation Panel (2012)
Das EBDC Business Innovation Panel, BIP, besteht aus den wichtigsten Variablen des ifo Innovationstests und den entsprechenden Bilanzdaten aus den Unternehmensdatenbanken... -
EBDC Business Expectations Panel (2013)
Das EBDC Business Expectations Panel, BEP, besteht aus den wichtigsten Variablen des ifo Konjunkturtests und den entsprechenden Bilanzdaten aus den Unternehmensdatenbanken... -
EBDC Business Investment Panel (2022)
Das EBDC Business Investment Panel, BIP, besteht aus den wichtigsten Variablen des ifo Investitionstests und den entsprechenden Bilanzdaten aus den Unternehmensdatenbanken... -
Real-time pricing of electricity for residential customers: Econometric analy...
Under real-time pricing, a network operator sets the price level for a period according to a predefined scheme which depends on the state of demand and costs, and announces this... -
Estimating a nonlinear rational expectations commodity price model with unobs...
This paper is concerned with the estimation of a model in which a possibly serially correlated stochastic process, the harvest of an agricultural commodity, generates a... -
Analysing incomplete individual employment histories using indirect inference...
In this paper we apply the Indirect Inference method to estimate the parameters of a semi-Markov transition model when the data are subject to a complex form of censoring. There... -
An empirical model of asset replacement in dairy production (replication data)
Throughout the US dairy farm industry, observed rates of dairy cow replacement consistently exceed the rates prescribed as optimal by dairy economists. We attempt to uncover the... -
An investigation of the harvest decision of timber firms in the south-east Un...
In the forestry literature, stochastic extensions of the classic Faustmann model have become the predominant models of optimal harvesting on even-aged timber stands. A recent... -
Comparing Fourier and translog specifications of multiproduct technology: Evi...
Selecting a functional form for a cost or profit function in applied production analysis is a crucial step in assessing the characteristics of a technology. The present study... -
Econometric methods for fractional response variables with an application to ...
We develop attractive functional forms and simple quasi-likelihood estimation methods for regression models with a fractional dependent variable. Compared with log-odds type... -
Semiparametric analysis of German East-West migration intentions: facts and t...
East-West migration in Germany peaked at the beginning of the 1990s although the average wage gap between Eastern and Western Germany continues to average about 25%. We analyse... -
Individual demands from household aggregates: time and age variation in the c...
This paper uses non-parametric regression with smoothness induced by imposition of a roughness penalty to estimate time-dependent relationships between age and intakes of... -
A score test for non-nested hypotheses with applications to discrete data mod...
In this paper it is shown that a convenient score test against non-nested alternatives can be constructed from the linear combination of the likelihood functions of the... -
Individual heterogeneity and censoring in panel data estimates of tobacco exp...
A panel of households is used to test the rational addiction model of Becker et al. (1994). These data raise problems of measurement errors, censoring, and unobservable... -
Selection correction and sensitivity analysis for ordered treatment effect on...
In estimating the effect of an ordered treatment effect on a count response y with an observational data where τ is self-selected (not randomized), observed variables x and... -
Modelling low income transitions (replication data)
We examine the determinants of low income transitions using first-order Markov models that control for initial conditions effects (those found to be poor in the base year may be... -
Dynamics of the federal funds target rate: a nonstationary discrete choice ap...
We apply a discrete choice approach to model the empirical behaviour of the Federal Reserve in changing the federal funds target rate, the benchmark of short-term market...