Narrated (In)justice - Casus 1: De koloniale schadeclaims, Interview 16
De familie van Ibu Makku (1926) vertelt over Ibu Makku, één van de vier weduwen van de lokale koning Andi Cori in Pangkajene Sidrap. Haar dochter Andi Mangkiri (1948) hoorde via... -
Narrated (In)justice - Casus 1: De koloniale schadeclaims, Interview 8
Meneer Mamat (1971) was in 2011 net dorpshoofd geworden, toen de vonnissen van de rechtszaken in Nederland bekend werden. Hij vertelt over hoe, na besluit van de... -
Woogle dump
Update 2024-04-19 The zip file WoogleDumps2024-09-19 (without .zip extension) contains what it says, the Woogle dump from 2024-04-19 having alle information avaliable at Woogle... -
OpenGrey, System for Information on Grey Literature in Europe, is your open access to 1 014 872 bibliographical references of grey literature (paper) produced in Europe and... -
CroMe interview with Vera Winter
The female interviewee was born in 1923 in Bosnia. She was 18 years old when WWII started. During the war, she was captured and kept in an Ustashe prison in Petrinjska street.... -
CroMe interview with Petar Grdić Kinkela
Petar Grdić Kinkela was born in 1969 in Saborsko, Croatia. Before the war he was working in "3 maj" shipyard in Rijeka. Before the start of the war he began to work in the... -
Dataset for LJIL Editorial 'International Law from the Outside'
Dataset and codebook for the Leiden Journal of International Law Editorial 'International Law from the Outside: Evidence from the Dutch Research Council (NWO)'. -
Veteranen Instituut, IPNV, interview 438
Aanvankelijk wilden de Nederlandse militairen vooral vriendelijk overkomen op de lokale bevolking in Indonesië, die zeer te lijden had onder de heffingen en bezoekjes van de... -
CroMe interview with Milan Nakarada
Milan Nakarada was born in Ličko Petrovo Selo, Croatia in 1934. Before the Homeland War he lived and worked in Lika, Croatia. Following the outbreak of the war his native... -
CroMe interview with Vladimir Ćalić
The male interviewee, born in 1928 and with a Serb background, recalls memories about his experiences during the WWII. He describes the attack of the German army in 1944 and the... -
CroMe interview with Mirjana Vujčić
The female interviewee is a woman from northwest Bosnia, born in 1960. She was two years old when her family moved to Kostrići. In 1979 she went to Zagreb in order to work as a... -
CroMe interview with Gordan Vukić
In the early eighties, this interviewee went to university in Zadar, where he studied history and philosophy. He served in the army in the borderland garrison in Surdulica, near... -
CroMe interview with Jovo Kovačević
Jovo Kovačević was born in 1957 in Donji Lapac, Croatia. His family was active in the resistance movement during World War II. In September 1991 he was conscripted in the... -
WageIndicator Collective Agreements Database Dataset with Full Texts and Sele...
Since 2012, the WageIndicator Foundation has maintained a Collective Agreements Database, where the texts of 1600 collective agreements (CBAs) from 61 countries and in 27... -
Interview project: Croatian Memories (CroMe) - Unveiling personal memories on...
Croatian Memories (CroMe) - Unveiling personal memories on war and detention. In this project citizens of Croatia from all social layers and regions are interviewed about their... -
Narrated (In)justice - Casus 1: De koloniale schadeclaims, Interview 27
Twee medewerkers van de microkredieten coöperatie in Rawagede, beiden dertigers, beschrijven hoe de ontwikkelingsgelden (850.000 Euro) die door de Nederlandse overheid in 2008... -
Bataafse Republiek. Dagverhaal en Decreten der Nationale Vergadering 1796-1798
De Nationale Vergadering van 1796 was de eerste openbare Nederlandse volksvertegenwoordiging. Ze gaf ook de aanzet tot de Constitutie van 1798, Nederlands eerste grondwet.... -
CroMe interview with Željko Brala
Željko Brala was born on March 2, 1968 in Posedarje, the Zadar hinterland. On March 5, 1991, he became a member of the Special Police Unit in Zadar. He was in the formations of... -
Narrated (In)justice - Casus 1: De koloniale schadeclaims, Interview 20
Abdul Halik (1937) uit Bulukumba, reisde in 2014 met Shafiah Paturusi en Andi Monji naar Den Haag om voor de rechtbank te getuigen in verband met de executies in de dorpen Suppa... -
Narrated (In)justice - Casus 1: De koloniale schadeclaims, Interview 4
Ibu Wilem is de schoondochter van Ibu Lasmi binti Kasilan (1921–2015) die op 26 jarige leeftijd haar man Sukri verloor toen hij werd doodgeschoten door één van de Nederlandse...