TIPTIMON (Tien Shan-Pamir Monitoring Program) AFGHANISTAN 2
The Pamir-Hindu Kush region of Tajikistan and NE Afghanistan stands out due to its worldwide unique zone of intense intermediate depth seismicity, accommodating frequent Mw 7+... -
The goal of Inter-Wind is to investigate and predict the induced seismic signals of wind turbines at different locations in Southern Germany. The experiments involve various... -
IMAGE (Integrated Methods for Advanced Geothermal Exploration)
IMAGE is a two year seismological experiment realized at the Reykjanes Peninsula by Philippe Jousset (GFZ Potsdam) and Gylfi P. Hersir (ISOR Iceland). Reykjanes Peninsula is... -
Seismological profile across Longmenshan Fault - LONGMEN-P (2018-2020)
The main aim of this project is to investigate the crustal and mantle structure beneath the Longmenshan fault zone in China, based on a very dense passive seismology profile.... -
GFZ contribution to the COSEISMIQ seismic network
In the frame of the EU-project COSEISMIQ (COntrol SEISmicity and Manage Induced earthQuakes) natural and induced seismic events were monitored in Iceland. A temporary seismic... -
GEOREAL - GEOthermal experiments in the KTB deep laboratory under REAL condit...
To seismically monitor the GEOREAL hydraulic stimulation experiment, that took place during the period 6-15 November 2023, a station network was set up in the vicinity of the... -
TIPTIMON (Tien Shan-Pamir Monitoring Program) TAJIKISTAN (2012/2014)
The TIPTIMON seismic deployment in Tajikistan aimed to study the seismotectonics of the western Pamir and Tajik-Afghan basin. Within this network 25 seismic stations were... -
Seismic network 5E: MINAS Project (2011/2013)
The integrated plate boundary in Chile (IPOC) combines 15 broadband stations with strong-motion sensors, GPS, strain sensors and magneto-telluric stations. The Chilean... -
The complete network consisted of 11 stations deployed on the island of Fogo, Cape Verde. Eight of the stations formed an arraywith an aperture of 700 m, deployed in the south... -
BRAVOSEIS Onshore Seismic Array
The Bransfield Strait is a seismically active extensional rift located between the Antarctic Peninsula and the South Shetland Islands. The Strait is partly located on... -
WALPASS Network, Namibia, 2010/2012
The Etendeka continental flood-basalt province in northern Namibia, linked by the Walvis Ridge to the Tristan da Cunha hotspot, has great importance in global plate tectonic... -
Main aim of the project was to investigate the local seismicity (distribution and kinematics) within and around the Fergana basin and the Southern Tien Shan in Southern... -
TIPTIMON (Tien Shan-Pamir Monitoring Program) AFGHANISTAN (2013/2014)
The TIPTIMON seismic deployment in Afghanistan aimed to study the seismotectonics of the Hindu Kush and the Tajik-Afghan basin. Within this network 8 seismic stations were... -
Myanmar subduction to collision imaging array (MySCOLAR)
The temporary seismic array of MySCOLAR in northern Myanmar consists of 30 broadband stations. The overall scientific goals are to understand the transition from continental... -
Eifel Large-N Seismic Network (ELSN)
The Eifel Large-N Seismic Network is a concentric network of about 80km aperture around the Laacher See. Instrumentation consists of broad band seismometers, short period... -
Ketzin Seismic Monitoring Network
Ketzin in a small town 20km west of Berlin that hosts a research facility for underground storage. Starting in 2008 the site was used to investigate the onshore geological... -
Dataset of the 6G seismic network at Los Humeros, 2017-2018
Extensive passive seismic monitoring was carried out between September 2017 and September 2018 over the Los Humeros geothermal field in Mexico. This experiment, in addition to... -
Temporary DAS Deployment associated with the DEEPEN project in the Hengill re...
From June to August 2021 the DEEPEN project deployed a dense seismic nodal network across the Hengill geothermal area in southwest Iceland to image and characterize faults and... -
Fibre-optic distributed acoustic sensing, seismological and infrasonic data s...
Understanding physical processes prior and during eruptions remains challenging, due to uncertainties about subsurface structures and undetected processes within the volcano.... -
MAGIC (Magma Iceland)
In January 2020, a swarm of earthquakes started under Thorbjorn volcano, Reykjanes, SW Iceland, associated to the uplift of up to 0.5 cm per day. Concern in Iceland was growing...