128 datasets found

Keywords: In Situ Laboratory Instruments Magnetic Motion Sensors Seismometers

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  • East Pollino Experiment, Southern Italy

    The aim of this temporary experiment is to monitor the interaction between crustal fluids and earthquake occurrence. Two sites have been initially investigated: one is in the...
  • Temporary networks 1996-2002 on Crete, RUB Bochum, Germany

    Data acquisition from 1996-2002 was divided into five separate field deployments: one in 1996 and 1997 in western Crete, one in 1999 on the small island Gavdos, south of Crete,...
  • Taskforce Tocopilla 2007

    After the November 14, 2007 M7.7 Tocopilla earthquake in northern Chile, a local seismic network was installed in the rupture area between approximately Tocopilla and...
  • DESTRESS - soft stimulation treatments of geothermal reservoirs, Iceland

    Near Reykjavik/Iceland, a "soft stimulation” geothermal experiment was performed in the frame of the DESTRESS project in 2019. The installed seismic stations consist of short...
  • DARE: Dense ARray for seismic site effect Estimation

    The project DARE proposes an integrated study of seismic site effects on the deep and elongated Messinian Rhône Canyon (French Rhône Valley). Lithological information from...

    We installed two seismological broadband arrays on the volcanic oceanic island of Madeira and in western Portugal on continental crust for a comparison and combination with a...
  • Anillo

    The Anillo is a dense temporary seismic and geodetic network extending approximately 200 km along the strike of the subduction zone in North Chile in order to investigate how...
  • Extended Pollino Seismic Experiment, 2014-2015, GFZ Potsdam (FEFI, Pompei, NE...

    The temporary Extended Pollino Seismic Experiment (FDSN network code Y4) monitored the earthquake swarm in the Pollino Range region, Italy, between September 2014 and April...
  • INDEPTH IV passive

    As part of the INDEPTH IV passive-source experiment from May 2007 until October 2008, 50 broadband seismographs (35 from GIPP, Germany and 15 from SEIS-UK) were deployed along...
  • Landscape Response to the Mw7.9 Gorkha Earthquake

    Strong earthquakes cause transient perturbations of the near Earth’s surface system. These include the widespread landsliding and subsequent mass movement and the loading of...

    The META-WT project was designed to perform a 4-weeks seismic experiment in Germany with a dense seismic array of ~400 three-component geophones that covered (1) a 2.5km x 2.5km...
  • The GEYER seismic network

    A network of 400 continuously running, digital, short-period seismic stations was deployed for a time period of approximately 2 weeks in an area of ~1 x 1.7 km in the Geyer...
  • HERSK-TNA, Hekla Real-Time Seismic Network - Transnational Access Eurovolc pr...

    Hekla is one of the most active and dangerous volcanoes in Iceland presenting a high hazard to air travel and a growing tourist population. It is hence important to monitor its...
  • Namibia

    Durchleuchtung der Litosphäre und des oberen Mantels mit Hilfe aktiver und passiver Seismologie (hier nur passiver Teil). Receiver Funktionen und SKS-Anisotropie Methoden sollen...
  • Klyuchevskoy volcanic group experiment (KISS)

    The KISS network was installed in the frame of the "Klyuchevskoy Investigation - Seismic Structure of an extraordinary volcanic system" project and recorded data between summer...
  • Seismic Recordings for SMARTIE1: Seismic Monitoring And Research of Wind Turb...

    SMARTIE1 is a joint seismological experiment of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and the Leipzig University. We installed in total 36 seismic stations as ring-like...
  • 1 week seismological huddle test using 5 rotational sensors and 3 seismometer...

    We provide seismological data from a huddle test in Fürstenfeldbruck in August 2019 that was realized by University of Potsdam (PI: Eva Eibl) in collaboration with BGR (PI:...
  • RHUM-RUM Seychelles

    RHUM-RHUM is a seismic experiment to study the deep structure of the Reunion plume. La Reunion is one of the most promising locations for a deep whole-mantle plume. Waveform...
  • ACROSS Strong Motion Network in Central Asia

    Earthquake Early Warning and Rapid Response Systems (EEWRRS) should be a viable complement to other disaster risk reduction strategies, particularly in economically developing...
  • (AW) AWI Network Antarctica

    The AWI Network Antarctica is a local to regional seismological network around the German research base Neumayer Station in Dronning Maud Land, a coastal region in eastern...
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