Data for: Ammonia in the UTLS: GLORIA airborne measurements for CAMS model ev...
We present high resolution measurements of ammonium (and other pollution trace gases) in the South Atlantic Upper Troposphere and Lowermost Stratosphere (UTLS) from the... -
MIPAS IMK/IAA version 8 retrieval of nitric oxide and lower thermospheric tem...
The data set comprises nitric oxide data of the Earth's middle and upper atmosphere region for the years 2002-2012 as rerieved from all acquisition modes of infrared spectra... -
IMK/IAA MIPAS temperature retrieval version 8: nominal measurements: the data...
The data set comprises temperature data of the Earth's middle atmosphere region for the years 2002-2012 as derived from the nominal mode mid infrared spectra measurements... -
Animated gifs and corresponding pdfs for trade-off problem for Regularization...
Gif files (also with pdf versions) that demonstrate the trade-off problem, so how the values of tidal parameters change for different trade-off parameter, with indication of the... -
COCCON column-averaged greenhouse gas abundances collected in the framework o...
COCCON column-averaged greenhouse gas abundances collected in the framework of MOSES ScaleX Campaign 2019 Column averaged greenhouse gas abundances have been measured with a... -
GLORIA data for: Biomass burning pollution in the South Atlantic upper tropos...
We present high resolution measurements of pollutant trace gases in the South Atlantic Upper Troposphere and Lowermost Stratosphere (UTLS) from the Gimballed Limb Observer for... -
IMK/IAA MIPAS retrievals version 8: N2O, the data set
The data set comprises N2O (nitrous ocide) data of the Earth's upper troposphere and middle atmosphere region for the years 2002-2012 as derived from MIPAS on Envisat and... -
IMK/IAA MIPAS retrievals version 8: CH4, the data set
The data set comprises CH4 (methane) data of the Earth's uppere troposphere and middle atmosphere region for the years 2002-2012 as derived from MIPAS on Envisat and retrieved... -
Version 8 IMK/IAA MIPAS measurements of CFC-12: the data set
The data set comprises CFC-12 data of the Earth's middle atmosphere region for the years 2002-2012 as derived from MIPAS on Envisat and retrieved with the IMK/IAA level-2... -
Version 8 IMK/IAA MIPAS measurements of HCFC-22: the data set
The data set comprises CFC-22 data of the Earth's middle atmosphere region for the years 2002-2012 as derived from MIPAS on Envisat and retrieved with the IMK/IAA level-2... -
PPD-2K Ice Fog Particle Size and Shape Distributions from ALPACA
This data set contains particle size distributions of spherical and aspherical cloud particles between 7.9 and 107 microns with a 300-second time resolution calculated using the... -
Version 8 IMK/IAA MIPAS measurements of CFC-11: the data set
The data set comprises CFC-11 data of the Earth's middle atmosphere region for the years 2002-2012 as derived from MIPAS on Envisat and retrieved with the IMK/IAA level-2... -
Air quality monitoring data from Pallas, Finland for the period between Decem...
Data comprise the measurements from MAAP, AE33, COSMOS, and PAAS-4λ -
Molecular Analysis of Secondary Organic Aerosol and Brown Carbon from the Oxi...
Indole (ind) is a nitrogen-containing heterocyclic volatile organic compound commonly emitted from animal husbandry and from different plants like maize with global emissions of... -
Data sets for the research article "Influence of the neutralization degree on...
The data comprise the composition-dependent ice-active fractions (f_ice) in the ammonium sulfate-letovicite-ammonium bisulfate (AS-LET-AHS) system, measured with the AIDA cloud... -
The Puy de Dôme ICe Nucleation Intercomparison Campaign (PICNIC): Comparison ...
Ice crystal formation in mixed-phase clouds is initiated by specific aerosol particles, termed ice-nucleating particles (INPs). Only a tiny fraction of all aerosol particles are... -
IMK/IAA MIPAS temperature retrieval version 8: nominal measurements
The data set comprises temperature data of the Earth's middle atmosphere region for the years 2002-2012 as rerieved from the nominal mode mid infrared spectra measurements... -
IMK-IAA MIPAS V5 data set of ClONO2, HNO3, HOCl, N2O5, NO, NO2, and O3 vertic...
The data set contains netCDF files: one per month for vertical profiles of the gases and one per month for the corresponding averaging kernel matrices. -
Combined gridded carbonyl sulfide (OCS) dataset from MIPAS
:title = "OCS 60deg longitude 10deg latitude mean profiles from MIPAS single retrievals"; :institution = "Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - Institute for Meteorology and... -
Impact of temperature on the role of Criegee intermediates and peroxy radical...
Stabilized Criegee intermediates (SCIs) and organic peroxy radicals (RO2) are critical in atmospheric oxidation processes and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation. However,...