Models of the [FeFe]-hydrogenase active site: high symmetry in a biologically...
The [FeFe]-hydrogenase enzymes are some of the best catalysts know for generating hydrogen. We have an ongoing programme to understand how their chemistry works, and to... -
Dynamics in oleic acid: solid and melt.
Increasing interest in biofuels has led to a desire to understand the phase characteristics of the compounds present in these fuels and how the dynamics of the fluid might be... -
Anomalous temperature dependence of the ALC spectrum of polybutadiene
The relative importance of factors affecting the low temperature ALC spectra of organic molecular systems such as polymers and small molecules is a topical issue. Polybutadiene... -
Interaction of N2O with Membranes Using µSR
Nitrous oxide, N2O, is an inhalant anaesthetic with a long history of use dating back to 1844. It is most commonly used as a light sedative in dentistry, or in child birth and... -
Quantum tunnelling of muonium via radical states in molecular solids
The extreme quantum nature of muons and muonium in condensed matter is the result of having a mass that is nine times lighter than that of a hydrogen atom. While this quantum... -
Organometallic Radicals
Avoided level crossing muon spin resonance (ALC-muSR) is an exceptional tool for determining the structure and probing the dynamics of radicals but there have been only a few... -
Muon response to changes in the charge distribution of the components of a co...
We plan to confirm that the change in asymmetry on resonance in the ALC spectra seen in the subject complex dielectric during the previous rapid access proposal (RB1900028) is a... -
Models of the [FeFe]-hydrogenase active site: raising the symmetry
The [FeFe]-hydrogenase enzymes are some of the best catalysts know for generating hydrogen. We have an ongoing programme to understand how their chemistry works, and to... -
Electron Spin Relaxation Measurements of P3HS
Using muon spin relaxation and ALC resonance spectroscopy the electron spin relaxation and mobility of the polymer P3HS will be measured as a function of temperature. The... -
Green vs Black Tea Anti-oxidant Potency as a Function of Fermentation Complet...
Since ancient times it has been known that using boiling water to prepare tea ¿burns¿ the brew destroying the teas flavours & beneficial nutrients. One aspect of a ¿burnt¿... -
ALC spectroscopy of the molecule BEDT-TTF and some of its salts
The electron donor molecule BEDT-TTF (ET) provides a versatile building block for constructing molecular metals, superconductors, magnets and quantum spin liquids. A common... -
Probing the [FeFe]-hydrogenase subsite using muon spectroscopy
Previous ALC measurements of the Fe2(pdt)(CO)4(PMe3)2 and [Fe2(pdt)(CO)4(CN)2]2- (referred to as 1 and 2) model hydrogenase subsites have yielded some intriguing results (RB... -
Silicon nanoparticles in thermoelectric material applications - Solution stat...
In order to meet the UK's commitment to reduce 80% of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, it is necessary make major advances in efficient, clean and secure energy conversion and... -
Probing the [FeFe]-hydrogenase using muon spectroscopy
During our previous experiment on HiFi (RB1320541) we measured the ALC spectrum of the Fe2(µ-pdt)(CO)4(PMe3)2 model hydrogenase complex over multiple temperatures. The spectra... -
Antioxidants are very important molecules because they can prevent or slow down the oxidative damage to our bodies. When our bodies use oxygen, free radicals are released which... -
Novel Anti-Oxidant Mechanisms 3: Extending the Gamut to Lycopene, THC and Mel...
We propose to determine the possibility for H-addition occurring in the natural anti-oxidants lycopene, melatonin and Delta9-THC, by ALC-muSR on the HiFi instrument. Our... -
Rates of Molecular Transfer Across Interfacial Layers Using µSR
The first direct measurements of the rate of transfer of a probe molecule across an interfacial layer have been made at PSI, using TF and ALC-MuSR. This application for beamtime... -
Studies of Free Radical Final States on Au nanoparticles by RF-muSR and ALC S...
Small-sized metal nanoparticles (NPs) are of long standing interest to both magnetism and heterogeneous catalysis. Recent µSR studies of bare Au NPs encapsulated in mesoporous... -
ALCs investigation of the polymer PTAA (chain length = 80)
This proposal aims to study the avoided level crossing resonances (ALCs) of the amorphous polymer PTAA, with chain length 80. Previous measurements on PTAA have studied a...