De ruimtelijke en temporele variatie van het epibenthos en het hyperbenthos v...
Spatial and temporal distribution patterns of the epi- and hyperbenthic community were studied at the monitoring stations on the Belgian Continental Shelf. -
Occasional sampling of Harpacticoida in Gulf of Kandalaksha (White Sea)
Occasional sampling of Harpacticoida in a silty-sandy intertidal site Gulf of Kandalaksha (White Sea) on June 26, 2007. Sampling: Syringe corer 5.4 cm2 -
PANGAEA - Data from Global environmental change: the Northern North Atlantic
This dataset contains data from the DFG Research Project SFB313 \"Global Environmental Change: The Northern North Atlantic\". These data are derived from PANGAEA. -
Zooplankton counts measured at the West-Hinder in 1902
This dataset is part of the historic monitoring campaign onboard of the lightship West-Hinder. Temperature, salinity & alkalinity were measured daily. At the same time... -
Counts of Mysidacea from Gazi (Kenya), Uroa (Zanzibar) and Ambon (Indonesia) ...
This dataset contains counts of Mysidacea (determined at genus level) from two samples from Gazi Bay (October 1994), 1 at Uroa Beach (July 1996) and two at Ambon (April 1996)... -
Deep-sea Meiobenthos
This dataset is a collection of several sampling campaigns dealing with meiobenthos on different locations and times. -
Benthic Haploniscidae (Isopoda) collected around Iceland during the BIOICE, I...
Benthic Haploniscidae (Iopoda) in this data set were collected during BIOICE (Benthic invertebrates of Icelandic waters), IceAGE (Icelandic marine Animals: Genetics and... -
SMRU Grey Seal UK 1991-1993
Dataset information available at <a href=http://seamap.env.duke.edu/datasets/detail/71 target=_blank>seamap.env.duke.edu/datasets/detail/71</a> -
A study of the nematode fauna of three estuaries in the Netherlands
Free-living nematode fauna of lake Grevelingen, the Eastern and Western Scheldt was examined over a period of one year in the framework of a PhD thesis. -
National Pilot Monitoring Studies 2017, Improving Environmental Monitoring in...
Mesozooplankton data: species composition, abundance (ind/m3), biomass (mg/m3) collected during the survey of the National Pilot Monitoring Studies Ukraine (NPMS UA) in the... -
Living and Quaternary mollusca collected along the coast of Libya (Tripolitan...
Samples of living and fossil mollusca were collected in spring 1913 during an exploration along the coast of Tripolitania (western Lybia). The campaign was promoted by the... -
PANGAEA - Data from marine animal ecology @ AWI
This dataset contains data from marine animal ecology from the AWI. These data are derived from PANGAEA. -
Semi-quantitive microplankton analysis (Sylt Roads Time Series) in the Wadden...
Presence absence data of microplankton in the Wadden Sea off List, Sylt, North Sea. -
Multi-decadal shifts in fish community diversity across a dynamic biogeograph...
A 21-year fisheries-independent monitoring dataset was used to explore fish community diversity across a latitudinal gradient to quantify how diversity has changed and relate... -
Harbour seals GPS telemetry in Baie de Somme
<p>Ten harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) were captured in the Baie de Somme, Picardie (France) in October 2008 and fitted with Fastloc GPS/GSM tags (Sea Mammal Research Unit... -
Abundance and biomass of benthic infauna from mud grabs in the Irish sea as p...
This dataset contains information on infaunal abundance and biomass from sediment grabs from the Western Irish Sea collected in 2014 and 2015 from the RV Corystes. This survey... -
Summary of benthos at Gazi Bay, Kenya (EC-project 1989-1992)
Benthos density and abiotic data for 12 sampling stations in Gazi Bay. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original report: Schrijvers, J. (1991). Ecological study of the... -
Data on cetacean occurrence collected during the project \"EMBLAS-Plus, Impro...
The dataset contains information collected within the EMBLAS-Plus Project on the occurrence of the cetaceans in the north-western part of the Black Sea including photo... -
Infaunal abundances from mud samples taken from the Outer Ards penninsula (No...
This dataset contains information on infaunal abundance and biomass from sediment grabs taken off the coast of the Ards Penninsula, Northern Ireland in 2014 & 2016. This... -
Collection Polychaeta SMF
The Polychaetes collection is part of the SeSAM collections of Senckenberg which combines all collections held at the Senckenberg Natutal History Museum of Frankfurt. This...