KOSMOS Bergen 2015 mesocosm study: C. harengus condition
To evaluate the influence of ocean acidification on predatory plankton, e.g. Hydrozoa and fish larvae as well as their interaction in complex natural communities, we deployed... -
KOSMOS Bergen 2015 mesocosm study: C. harengus survival
To evaluate the influence of ocean acidification on predatory plankton, e.g. Hydrozoa and fish larvae as well as their interaction in complex natural communities, we deployed... -
KOSMOS Bergen 2015 mesocosm study: C. harengus biomass
To evaluate the influence of ocean acidification on predatory plankton, e.g. Hydrozoa and fish larvae as well as their interaction in complex natural communities, we deployed... -
Total weight and wet weight of cultured Gigantidas childressi in deep-sea mus...
Cultured G. childressi wet weight – total weight relationship measured for Ci measurements in 2016 -
CH4 concentrations in the culture system during long-term culture of Gigantid...
The seawater in the G. childressi culture system was enriched with methane by injection of methane-enriched air from an air-methane gas mixing device. methane concentrations... -
Stable isotopes of cultured Gigantidas childressi in deep-sea mussel culture
Stable isotopes (a: δ15N, b: δ13C) of G. childressi that experienced different nutritional regimes (CH4: 'M', algae + CH4: MA', only algae: 'A') in our culture. As reference, t0... -
Clearance rates of Gigantidas childressi filtering phytoplankton
Clearance rates of two batches (1 and 2) of cultured G. childressi mussels filtering phytoplankton. Batch 1 mussels ('small': 51 ± 3 mm SD, 'large': 77 ± 4 mm SD) received... -
Valve gape activity of cultured Gigantidas childresse: mean data
Valve gape activity of cultured G. childressi mussels from different nutritional treatments (CH4: 'M', algae + CH4: 'MA', algae: 'A') at changing seawater CH4 concentrations.... -
Valve gape activity of cultured Gigantidas childresse: individual data
Valve gape activity of cultured G. childressi mussels from different nutritional treatments (CH4: 'M', algae + CH4: 'MA', algae: 'A') in response to mean steps (including both,... -
Gas consumption of cultures Gigantidas childressi
Gas consumption of two batches (1 and 2) of cultured G. childressi. Batch 2 mussels were cultured under 3 different nutrition regimes (CH4, algae + CH4, only algae). Methane... -
Growth of cultured Gigantidas Childressi after 21 months in culture
G. childressi shell length and shell thickness growth after 21 months in culture, as deduced from calcein staining marks using a Leica M165 FC stereo microscope. -
Mortality rate of cultured Gigantidas childressi in deep-sea mussel culture i...
Mortality/survival of animals in nutrition treatments 'm' (methane), 'a+m' (algae and methane) and 'a' (algae), that were not sacrificed for other analyses (initial animal... -
Condition index of cultured Gigantidas childress in deep-sea mussel culture i...
Gigantidas childressi from three different nutritional treatments (cultured from August 2017 to November 2019) were sampled after 27 months of culture. The conditions index was... -
Condition index of cultured Gigantidas childress in deep-sea mussel culture i...
Gigantidas childressi (cultured from July 2014 to August 2016) were sampled after 23 months of culture. The conditions index was calculated as the ratio of ash-free dry weight... -
Methane concentrations in seawater at different air CH4 levels in deep-sea mu...
Daily averages of measured CH4 concentrations in our recirculating aquarium system at six different CH4 levels (%) in the air used to equilibrate the seawater. -
Methane concentrations in deep-sea mussel culture: hand feed
During culture of deep-sea mussels Bathymodiolus azoricus in November 2013, the culture system (200 L) was repetitively enriched with methane by adding 5 L CH4-saturated sea... -
Methane concentrations in deep-sea mussel culture: continuous methane feeding
During culture of deep-sea mussels Gigantidas Childressi in September 2017, the culture system (200 L) was continuous enriched with methane by bubbling with methane-enriched air...