Zooplankton abundance from bongo net trawls during ALKOR cruise AL220/2
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Zooplankton abundance from bongo net trawls during ALKOR cruise AL220/1
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Zooplankton abundance from bongo net trawls during ALKOR cruise AL219
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Zooplankton abundance from bongo net trawls during ALKOR cruise AL217
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Zooplankton abundance from bongo net trawls during ALKOR cruise AL210
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Zooplankton abundance from bongo net trawls during ALKOR cruise AL207
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Zooplankton abundance from bongo net trawls during ALKOR cruise AL206
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Zooplankton abundance from bongo net trawls during ALKOR cruise AL205
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Zooplankton abundance from bongo net trawls during ALKOR cruise AL200/2
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Zooplankton abundance from bongo net trawls during ALKOR cruise AL200/1
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Megafauna abundance and biomass in surface sediment during cruise PLG95A
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(Table 2) Species density and composition of an inshore and offshore station ...
Megafauna plays an important role in benthic ecosystems and contributes significantly to benthic biomass in the Arctic. The distribution is mostly studied using towed cameras.... -
Counts of hyperbenthos of Gazi Bay (Kenya) sampled in October 1994
The spatial community structure of the hyperbenthos of Gazi bay was investigated during one week in October 1994. 38 stations were sampled using a hyperbenthic sledge. The data... -
Community analysis and feeding ecology of the ichthyofauna in Gazi Bay sample...
Counts of observed fish species and numerical and gravimetrical stomach analysis for 9 fish species at the West and East creek of Gazi Bay during a 2 day sampling in August... -
Ecological hyperbenthic data of the Scheldt estuary: historical data (1988-2001)
Data on the ecology of the hyperbenthos community of the Scheldt estuary were derived from research projects on this matter (1988-2001). -
Seasonal variation of the zooplankton community at Gazi, Lamu and Malindi (Ke...
Copepoda species list, zooplankton densities and measurement of environmental variables at Gazi, Malindi and Lamu sampled between March and December 1992. The data were... -
Predation of <i>Crangon crangon</i> by <i>Agonus cataphract...
Data on abundances of <i>Agonus cataphractus</i> and stomach contents with special attention to the presence of <i>Crangon crangon</i>. The data were... -
Zooplankton community and pelagic copepods in Tudor creek (Mombasa, Kenya) be...
List of zooplankton taxa and copepoda species for 5 stations in Tudor creek sampled between December 1984 and December 1987. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original... -
Population structure of penaeid shrimps sampled in Tudor Creek (Kenya) betwee...
Data on relative abundances, counts, sex ratio, length and sizes of penaeid shrimps and corresponding abiotic parameters using different sampling gears in the waters of Tudor... -
Spatial and temporal ichthyofauna community of a tropical mangrove Bay (Gazi ...
Catch data on fish and invertebrates for monthly beam trawl samples taken at 38 locations in Gazi Bay between October 1994 and September 1996. The data were digitized by VLIZ...