Meteorological observations during MIDDELBURG cruise started at 1751-04-08
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Meteorological observations during MERCUUR cruise from Curacao to Bonaire sta...
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Meteorological observations during LEVANT cruise from Gibraltar to Uk started...
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Meteorological observations during La Suerte cruise from La Habana to Cádiz s...
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Meteorological observations during La Suerte cruise from Desconocido to Bahía...
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Meteorological observations during La Pomone cruise from Coastal started at 1...
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Meteorological observations during La Pomone cruise from Toulon to Malaga sta...
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Meteorological observations during La Juno cruise from Mahon to Algeciras sta...
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Meteorological observations during JUNO cruise from Tirikunamalaya to Tirikun...
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Meteorological observations during HIPPOMENES cruise from Baroes to Sinkel st...
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Meteorological observations during HIPPOMENES cruise from Padang to Tapanolie...
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Meteorological observations during FLORIDA cruise from Port Praya to Port Egm...
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Meteorological observations during Eliza Susanna cruise from Panaroekan to Ba...
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Meteorological observations during EENSGEZINDHEID cruise started at 1793-08-30
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Meteorological observations during EENSGEZINDHEID cruise from Lerwich to Texe...
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Meteorological observations during EENSGEZINDHEID cruise from Texel to Lerwic...
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Meteorological observations during DORDREGT cruise from Cartagena to Cádiz st...
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Meteorological observations during DORDREGT cruise from Nederland to Plymouth...
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Meteorological observations during DORDREGT cruise from St. Eustatius to Cura...
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Meteorological observations during DESCONOCIDO-08 cruise from Cádiz to Lisboa...
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