(Table 2) Total fusion K-Ar age on basalt and feldspar at DSDP Hole 19-192A
Sample 19-192A-5-3,41-42 age, calculated is 37.4±0.9 My; J = 0.006231, 37Ar corrected for decay (t1/2 = 35.1 days). -
(Table 4) 40Ar/39Ar incremental heating experiments at DSPD Leg 55 Holes
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(Table 3) 40Ar/39Ar total fusion ages at DSDP Leg 55 Holes
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(Table 1) Age analysis at DSDP Hole 57-439
Correction factors used are (39Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.0039, (36Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.00029, (40Ar/39Ar)K = 0.031. Errors given in the apparent ages indicate 1 sigma. Empty cells = no data. -
(Table 2) Analytical data for step-heating experiments at DSDP Hole 58-445 an...
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(Table 1) 40Ar-39Ar analysis at DSDP Holes 60-458 and 60-459
Correction factors used as (39Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.0007, (36Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.00036, and (40Ar/39Ar)K = 0.03. -
(Table 1) Isotopic Ar and ages at DSDP Holes 61-462 and 61-462A
Empty cells = no data. -
(Table 2) 40Ar/39Ar analysis for incremental heating experiments at DSDP Hole...
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(Table 1) 40Ar/39Ar analysis for incremental heating experiments on wholerock...
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(Supplement Table 1) Argon isotope concentrations in volcanic samples of core...
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(Table 3) Argon ratios and datings of tephra layer feldspars from ODP Hole 16...
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(Table 1) Argon ratios and datings of tephra layer biotites from ODP Leg 165 ...
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(Table 2) Argon plateau and isochron ages of ODP Hole 165-1001A
Section 165-1001A-54R-7 was analyzed using the AEI MS-10S and Sections 165-1001A-53R-3 and 165-1001A-56R-3 were analyzed using the MAP 215-50. Ages are corrected for 37Ar decay,... -
(Table T2) Argon composition and 40Ar/39Ar ages of ODP Leg 180 sites
Correction factors used to account for interfering nuclear reactions for all samples except Core 180-1108B-6R feldspar and biotite (see below) are: (36Ar/37Ar)Ca = 0.000242 ±... -
(Table T4) Argon 40 - Argon 39 incremental heating ages from Neogene ash laye...
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. All ages calculated relative to neutron fluence monitor FCT-2 biotite (28.04 ± 0.12 Ma), decay and abundance constants le = 0.581 x 10-10/yr; lb... -
(Table T4) Argon geochronology and potassium/calcium ratios of ODP Site 192-1179
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(Table T3) Argon geochronology and potassium/calcium ratios of ODP Hole 185-1...
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(Table 1) Plateau and isochron ages of basaltic rocks from the Ontong Java Pl...
Samples 130-803D-69R-1,87-89 and 130-803D-71R-1,14-16 measured at U.S. Geological Survey, all other samples at Oregon State University. -
(Table 5) Incremental heating and age determination of whole-rock samples fro...
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(Table 4) Incremental heating and age determination for whole-rock samples fr...
1100°C = heat each of the previously heated basalt fragments to 1100°C, measure individually. Fuse previously heated basalt fragments, measure in three groups of three fragments...