Meiofauna abundance in surface sediment from the northeast Atlantic
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Meiofauna abundance in surface sediment sampled during cruise Bel89
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Meiofauna abundance in surface sediments of the HEBBLE site
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Meiofauna abundance in surface sediment sampled during cruise Iselin
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Meiofauna abundance in surface sediment from the Iceland-Faroer Ridge
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Meiofauna abundance in surface sediment sampled during cruise Mex
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Meiofauna abundance in surface sediment sampled during cruise Laz_G
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Meiofauna abundance in surface sediment sampled during cruise Vit10
Data of Cruise 10, R/V Vityaz-2 Supplement to: Kamenskaya, Olga E; Galtsova, V V (1996): Meiobenthos of the Canary Upwelling. Oceanology, 36(3), 412-417 -
Meiofauna abundance in surface sediment sampled during cruise Brownson Deep
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Meiofauna abundance in surface sediment sampled during cruise NORBI
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Meiofauna abundance in surface sediment sampled during cruise ORGON1
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Meiofauna abundance in surface sediment sampled during cruise WALDA
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Meiofauna abundance in surface sediment sampled during cruise BIOGAS
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Meiofauna abundance in surface sediment sampled during cruise DORA
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Meiofauna abundance in surface sediment sampled during cruise Eastward
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Oxygen flux in surface sediments (Table 1)
Over the past decade an increasing body of evidence has accumulated indicating that much, perhaps most, of the deep sea floor is an environment of substantial temporal... -
Oxygen flux measured in surface sediments from the NW Atlantic
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Flux data in surface sediments from the Atlantic
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Carbon and nitrogen content of marine pore waters
We have developed sampling methods and an analytical system to determine the concentration of dissolved organic C (DOC) in marine pore waters. Our analytical approach is a... -
Biomass and bioturbation in surface sediments of the Arctic Ocean
Little is known about the benthic communities of the Arctic Ocean's slope and abyssal plains. Here we report on benthic data collected from box cores along a transect from...