Competitive adsorption in hydrophobin / protein mixtures at the solid-solutio...
Hydrophobins are secreted fungal proteins in the form of small lipopetide biosurfactants. They are strongly surface active and self-assemble at interfaces and in solution. This... -
Does tethered PEG behave as a typical polymer brush at the solid-liquid inter...
We propose to make neutron reflectivity measurements of hydrophillic polymers covalently attached, via thiol chemistry, to the gold-water interface. In particular, we will... -
Characterisation of newly ordered sapphire blocks
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The Effect of the Head Group on Multilayering of Alkanoic Alkyl Ester Sulphon...
We have shown that under certain conditions multilayer adsorption of surfactants occurs at the air-water interface. in which case the system becomes a powerful wetting agent (it... -
Simultaneous SANS and modulated SESANS studies of cross-linking in cellulose ...
Recently we have trialled the new techniques enabled on Larmor which permit simultaneous measurements of nanoscale and macroscale structure. These experiments gave new insights... -
Acid /amine complexation on an iron oxide /Oil interface
This experiment seeks to characterise the monolayer composition and structure of binary mixtures of fatty acid and amine. This represents a key additive system used commercially... -
Impact of Stereochemistry and Diamine Structure on Absorption of Constructed ...
Chiral gemini surfactants containing stereogenic centers and two amphiphilic moieties, not only maintain the chiral properties, but also exhibit stronger aggregation properties,... -
Cationic surfactants adsorbed to titanium dioxide-effect of pH and added elec...
Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is used in a wide range of applications from medical and dental implants to treatment of contaminated air and water streams. However many of the... -
Binding behaviour of PAMAMs G5 and G4.5 to zwitterionic and anionic lipid bil...
Polymers are commonly used in drug delivery to create dosage forms that enable delivery of the active ingredient to the site of action within the body. Towards controlled drug... -
Wetting Transitions of Tackifiers in Adhesives
Migration and surface segregation of low molecular weight oligomers in adhesive formulations is a poorly understood, but hugely important phenomenon, responsible for most of the... -
Ce1-xLaxFe2Al10 x=0.25 8mm pos 19
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How perfume structure affects surface coadsorption with anionic surfactants
In a recent EPSRC / Unilever / Oxford CASE project we have used NR to explore and develop optimised delivery mechanism for active benefit agents such as perfumes. In particular... -
Spontaneous multilayer formation at interfaces in mixed surfactant systems
The spontaneous formation of multilayer structures at interfaces from surfactant self-assembly has until recently been rarely observed. However, surface multilayer structures... -
Elucidating buried structures using Offspec
This proposal is a continuation proposal (previous RB 1110285) utilising the Offspec instrument and is aimed at further understanding the utility of the spin echo grazing... -
Effect of calcium ions and ionic strength on model bilayer structure
Calcium ions have been shown in a preliminary experiment to have a dramatic effect on the thickness and structure of free supported bilayer films. In this proposal we... -
Interaction of amino acid based biosurfactants with model lipid bilayers
N-acyl amino acids are surfactants with attractive applications in different technological fields. They are referred to as mild surfactants because they are commonly considered... -
Study of Small molecule effects on AB interactions with model lipid layer by ...
Neutron reflectometery will be used to provide the vital information about the interaction/conformation of the organophosphonate compound on the lipid structure in the... -
Investigation of carrier transport in the organic semiconductor 8-hydroxy-qui...
Using the Emu spectrometer at ISIS we have recently studied charge carrier transport in the technologically important molecule 8-hydroxy-quinoline aluminium, by probing the... -
Magnetic-field penetration depth in C60 superconductors across the supercondu...
Cs3C60 is driven to a bulk superconductor without symmetry change by the application of pressure. Tc passes through a maximum of 38 K at 6 kbar. We have recently isolated the... -
Microdomains in model membranes using contrast variation SANS
In the present proposal small angle neutron scattering will be used in combination with contrast variation as a non-invasive method to detect the presence and size formation of...