375 datasets found

Keywords: spectroscopic binary stars

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  • Active red giants asteroseismic & rotation param.

    Oscillating red-giant stars have provided a wealth of asteroseismic information regarding their interiors and evolutionary states, and access to their fundamental properties...
  • Main-sequence and subgiant Barium stars

    Barium (Ba) dwarfs and CH subgiants are the less evolved analogues of Ba and CH giants. They are F- to G-type main-sequence stars polluted with heavy elements by their binary...
  • Radial velocity compilation for 45 CEMP-no stars

    Carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars comprise a high percentage of stars at the lowest metallicities. The stars in the CEMP-no subcategory do not show any s-process...
  • Massive LMC stars AAOmega spectroscopy

    We present spectral classifications from optical spectroscopy of 263 massive stars in the north-eastern region of the Large Magellanic Cloud. The observed two-degree field...
  • BEER analysis of CoRoT light curves

    The BEER algorithm, introduced by Faigler & Mazeh (2011MNRAS.415.3921F), searches stellar lightcurves for the BEaming, Ellipsoidal, and Reflection (BEER) photometric...
  • WDMS from LAMOST DR1

    White dwarf-main sequence (WDMS) binaries are used to study several different important open problems in modern astrophysics. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) identified the...
  • KIC 3858884: list of pulsation frequencies

    Analysis of eclipsing binaries containing non-radial pulsators allows i) combining two different and independent sources of information on the internal structure and...
  • KIC 11285625: list of detected frequencies

    We present the first binary modelling results for the pulsating eclipsing binary KIC 11285625, discovered by the Kepler mission. An automated method to disentangle the pulsation...
  • {omicron} Puppis spectra

    The spectrum of the Be star omi Pup is shown to vary periodically with a period of 28.9 days. Associated data
  • Radial velocities in the globular NGC 2808

    The formation mechanism of hot horizontal branch (HB) stars is still one of the most uncertain points of stellar evolution theories. In the past decade, models based on their...
  • Spectral analysis of 636 SDSS WD-M binaries

    We present a catalog of 857 WD-M star binaries from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), most of which were previously identified by other authors, and the results of our...
  • UV Flux distributions of gamma Dor stars

    It seems that the recently identified class of pulsating stars, the gamma Dor type-variables, includes objects with different metal abundances and a large percentage of...
  • Parameters of cool companions of sdB stars

    We present the analysis of a high-resolution, high-quality sample of optical spectra for 76 subdwarf B (sdB) stars from the ESO Supernova Ia Progenitor Survey (SPY, Napiwotzki...
  • Intrinsic frequencies of slowly pulsating B stars

    We present the results of detailed frequency analyses of a sample of thirteen confirmed slowly pulsating B stars. Our analysis is based on a combination of elaborate photometric...
  • V436 Persei = 1 Persei byBV photometry

    Outline of a project aimed at testing the presence of rapid line-profile variations in the atmospheres of hot components of close binaries is presented and its first results are...
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