3,797 datasets found

Keywords: political systems and organisations

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  • Svensk valundersökning 1988

    This study is part of the collection of Swedish election studies fielded continuously since 1956. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in previous election...
  • Kommunala tjänstemän 1980

    This survey forms part of the project ´Local government - an evaluation of the reform of amalgamation of municipalities´. In this study the local government officers are studied...
  • Opinion '90

    One of the topics of this survey is reading habits and attitude to the local information paper 'Vårt Göteborg', published by the municipality of Göteborg. Six times a year the...
  • Kommunmedborgarundersökningen 1991

    This survey forms part of the research program 'Demokrati i förändring'. The survey was carried out immediately after the local elections in 1991. Areas covered: Opinion on how...
  • Svensk valundersökning 1991

    Since 1956 an election study has been carried out in connection with a Swedish general election. This study is accordingly number twelve of the collection. Many of the questions...
  • Korean national opinion poll 1991

    This survey was carried out by the Korean daily newspaper Jung-Ang Daily News and its purpose was to map the Korean opinion regarding among other things a Korean unification,...
  • Korean national election study 1992

    This survey was carried out immidiately after the Korean National Assembly election on March 24 and include questions on knowledge about candidate winning in the respondent's...
  • Kommunal partiorganisation 1985

    This study was conducted in connection with the 1985 election. The mail questionnaire was directed toward the chairmen of local party organizations and leaders of the local...
  • Kommunal partiorganisation 1988

    This study was conducted in connection with the 1988 election. The mail questionnaire was directed toward the leaders of the political parties local election campaign within a...
  • Kommunalpolitikerundersökningen 1993

    This survey is part of the research programme ´Demokrati i förändring´. The main purpose was to look into changes in the idea of the role as a local politician and in the...
  • Folkomröstningsundersökningen 1994

    In conjunction with the referendum on Swedish membership of the European Union (EU) an election study was carried out in collaboration between Statistics Sweden and the...
  • Göteborgs kommun: Personalstatistik 1989-1993

    This datasets includes information on sex, age, position, personnel category, full-time, part-time or hourly-paid employment, for all persons employed by the Göteborg...
  • Åsikter om Sverige och det europeiska enandet 1992

    Undersökningen innehåller delar av de frågeställningar - frågorna 6, 39, 40 och 55 - som ställdes i Eurobarometer 38.1 samt bakgrundsfrågor rörande partisympati, röstande i...
  • Svensk valundersökning 1994

    This is the thirteenth election study carried out in Sweden in connection with a Swedish general election. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in one or...
  • ISSP 1996 - Åsikter om politik och den offentliga sektorn

    This survey is the Swedish part of the 1996 'International Social Survey Program'. Citizens' opinions were elicited on the function of their national governments and on what...
  • Europaparlamentsvalundersökning 1995

    Sweden joined the European Union on the 1st of January 1995, and the first election to the EU-parliament was held on the 17th of September 1995. As in connection with all...
  • Svensk valundersökning 1998

    This is the fourteenth election study carried out in Sweden in connection with a Swedish general election. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in one or...
  • Europaparlamentsvalundersökning 1999

    The second Swedish election to the EU-parliament was held on the 13th of June 1999. As in connection to all general elections and referenda held in Sweden since 1956, an...
  • Svensk valundersökning 2002

    This is the fifteenth election study carried out in Sweden in connection with a Swedish general election. Many of the questions are replications of questions asked in one or...
  • Folkomröstningsundersökningen 2003

    In conjunction with the referendum on Swedish membership of the European monetary Union (EMU) an election study was carried out in collaboration between Statistics Sweden and...
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