Svensk Valundersökning 2014
The Swedish National Election Study 2014 was conducted in collaboration between the Department of Political Science in Gothenburg and Statistics Sweden (SCB). This collaboration... -
Kommun- och landstingsfullmäktigeundersökningen (KOLFU) 2012
KOLFU is a survey directed to all members of the 20 regional/county councils and 290 municipal councils in Sweden (in total about 13,500 individuals). KOLFU was conducted for... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2018
In order to identify how the evolution of society affects Swedes’ attitudes and behaviour, the SOM Institute started its National SOM study in 1986. National SOM addresses three... -
Vox 87 - Votation du 05.06.2005
Follow-up surveyof voters; continuous investigation of the voting behavior; theoretical references: sociological and socio-psychological approach. Essential variables of the... -
Parteipräferenzen 2000 (2000-10-24 - 2000-10-27)
Thema: Parteipräferenzen 2000 Probability Telephone interview: CATI -
Organisation und Struktur kantonaler Parteien von 1960 bis 1997
Zwei Ziele liegen diesem Forschungsvorhaben zugrunde: Zum einen wurde das bis dato wenig bekannte Innenleben der Schweizer Parteien systematisch und umfassend erforscht, zum... -
Organisationstrukturen kommunaler Parteien - 1990
As a novelty within Swiss and international communal and political science, this project sought to comprehensively explore municipal party organizations in a comparative way,... -
Befragung von Abgeordneten beider schweizer Parlamentskammern - 1974
The study on the role of European parliaments in solving social conflicts was carried out by the Comparative Legislative Research Center of the University of Iowa (USA) in 1974... -
Comparative Political Data Set 1960 -1996
Das Projekt geht von zwei konkurrierenden Hypothesen aus. Sie machen gegensätzliche Aussagen über die Möglichkeit autonomer Innenpolitik von nationalen politischen Systemen. Der... -
Befragung von Gemeindeschreibern in der Schweiz über lokale politische Verhäl...
This research description refers to a series of studies that have been conducted over time on Swiss municipalities, but appear in the research directory of FORS under different... -
Befragung von Gemeindeschreibern in der Schweiz über Gemeindereformen - 1994
This research description refers to a series of studies that have been conducted over time on Swiss municipalities, but appear in the research directory of FORS under different... -
Arbeitswelt und Politik
In the past Swiss employees were socio-politically integrated in two major ways. In the field of collective labor relations, employees were represented in three major large... -
Utredningsväsendet i Sverige: Utredningsinitiativen
The main purpose of the project ´Swedish government official reports´ was to shed light on the functions of the government commissions and their importance for policy creation,... -
SIFO-barometer 1967-1997
Compilation of SIFO-surveys Sammanställning av flera SIFO-undersökningar -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2019
In order to identify how the evolution of society affects Swedes’ attitudes and behaviour, the SOM Institute started its National SOM study in 1986. National SOM addresses three... -
How Much Do People Value Future Generations? Climate Change, Trust, and Publi...
Do people care about future generations? Moral philosophers say we should, but it is unclear whether laypeople agree. In particular, humanity’s inadequate efforts to mitigate... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2020
In order to identify how the evolution of society affects Swedes’ attitudes and behaviour, the SOM Institute started its National SOM study in 1986. National SOM addresses three... -
Utmaningar för miljöförvaltning: interdependens mellan policyfrågor leder int...
Policy actors address complex environmental problems by engaging in multiple and often interdependent policy issues. Policy issue interdependencies imply that efforts by actors... -
Svenska regeringars krav på återrapportering från statliga myndigheter 1993 –...
The data in this database has been collected mainly from appropriation directives issued by the Swedish government to 188 central government agencies 1993 to 2017. It contains... -
Välj vilka du samverkar med på ett klokt sätt: Att genom samverkan hantera öm...
The study applies a network-centric method to investigate wildfire responder networks in Canada and Sweden. It investigates actor collaboration when addressing interdependent...