363 datasets found

Keywords: apparent magnitude

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  • OGLE variable stars in NGC 6259

    We present the results of a search for variable stars in the field of NGC6259. Altogether 85 variable stars have been discovered. 36 of them are eclipsing systems. This group...
  • All Sky Automated Survey Catalog

    Results of the first two years of observations using the All Sky Automated Survey prototype camera are presented. More than 140000 stars in 50 Selected Fields covering 300...
  • Stellar variability towards Galactic Bulge

    The Table "stars.dat" contains the catalogue of variable stars discovered and/or observed for the 12 low-extinction fields towards the galactic bulge, with the IAG/USP Meridian...
  • DQ Cephei amplitude variations

    A period analysis of the data obtained in six nights of differential photoelectric photometry of the {delta} Scuti star DQ Cephei (about 42 hours) confirms the pulsation modes...
  • Herbig Ae/Be stars candidates

    We have observed 42 Herbig Ae/Be stars candidates in both hemispheres using the high resolution spectrographs AURELIE and ELODIE at OHP, and CES at ESO. Table 1 present the...
  • CPASJ2 catalogue

    According to the cooperation between Beijing, San Juan and La Plata Astronomical Observatories, the photoelectric astrolabe Mark II(PAII) of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory...
  • New periods of variable stars in Cygnus

    The Table2 summarizes the photographic magnitudes obtained over 24 years at the Skalnate Pleso (1979-1993) and Asiago (1969-1988) observatories for 17 variable stars of...
  • M 31 Cepheids periods

    Cepheid variables can be used for more than just a distance indicator. Since the age can be determined from the period, they can be used to trace the star formation history of a...
  • Young stars south of Taurus-Auriga

    We present results of intermediate resolution spectroscopy of 131 optical counterparts to 115 ROSAT All-Sky Survey X-ray sources south of the Taurus-Auriga dark cloud complex....
  • BR magnitude and redshift of A1300

    We present the first results of an optical follow-up of X-ray bright clusters of galaxies located between 0.15<=z<=0.31: B and R photometry as well as medium resolution...
  • BH Vir BV light curves

    Photoelectric observations of the short period eclipsing binary BH Vir in B and V bands are presented. Comparing with earlier published observations, we found that there were...
  • Lambda Boo stars consolidated catalogue

    This paper describes the first steps towards the homogenization of the lambda Bootis group, leading to a concise definition of lambda Bootis stars: Population I, hydrogen...
  • New variables in Sagittarius

    For the coordinates and identification charts of the variables discovered in the other parts of the surveyed region, see references in the publication. A compilation of all the...
  • TESS OBA-type eclipsing binaries

    Intermediate- to high-mass stars are the least numerous types of stars and they are less well understood than their more numerous low-mass counterparts in terms of their...
  • YSO candidate catalog from ANN

    Observed young stellar objects (YSOs) are used to study star formation and characterize star-forming regions. For this purpose, YSO candidate catalogs are compiled from various...
  • LAMOST DR4 New mercury-manganese stars

    The present work presents our efforts at identifying new mercury-manganese (HgMn/CP3) stars using spectra obtained with the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic...
  • A census of the near-by Psc-Eri stellar stream

    Within a sphere of 400pc radius around the Sun, we search for members of the Pisces-Eridanus (Psc-Eri) stellar stream in the Gaia Data Release 2 DR2) data set. We compare basic...
  • Stellar rotation periods from K2 Campaigns 0-18

    Rotation period measurements of stars observed with the Kepler mission have revealed a lack of stars at intermediate rotation periods, accompanied by a decrease of photometric...
  • Gaia DR2. Variable stars in CMD

    The ESA Gaia mission provides a unique time-domain survey for more than 1.6 billion sources with G<~21mag. We showcase stellar variability in the Galactic colour-absolute...
  • Space photometry of the Be stars nu Pup

    Photometry of the bright Be star {nu} Puppis. The observations were obtained with the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) and BRITE-Constellation satellites. Several closely but...
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