Downcore depths, ages and benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes (δ¹⁸O and δ¹³...
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Downcore depths, ages and benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes (δ¹⁸O and δ¹³...
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Downcore depths, ages and benthic foraminiferal stable isotopes (δ¹⁸O and δ¹³...
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Hemidiscus karstenii (Hk) and Fragilariopsis kerguelensis (Fk) abundances and...
This dataset contains Hemidiscus karstenii (Hk) and Fragilariopsis kerguelensis (Fk) relative abundances (RA in % of the total diatom assemblages) and absolute abundances (AA in... -
Sea surface temperatures of sediment core DCR-1PC
This dataset contains summer (January to March) sea-surface temperatures versus depth and age. SST was estimated by applying the Modern Analog Technique (MAT) to fossil diatom... -
Deglacial sponges silicon isotope record from the sediment core MD84-551
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Deglacial diatom silicon isotope record from the sediment core MD84-551
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Organic carbon analysis of core MD11-3353 from the Marion Dufresne cruise MD1...
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Calcium carbonate analysis of core MD11-3353 from the Marion Dufresne cruise ...
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SST (TEX86L) analysis of core MD11-3357 from the Marion Dufresne cruise MD185...
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SST (TEX86L) analysis of core MD11-3353 from the Marion Dufresne cruise MD185...
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N-Alkane of core MD11-3357 from the Marion Dufresne cruise MD185 (Indien Sud 2)
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N-Alkane of core MD11-3353 from the Marion Dufresne cruise MD185 (Indien Sud 2)
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Lithological fluxes of core MD11-3357 from the Marion Dufresne cruise MD185 (...
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Lithological fluxes of core MD11-3353 from the Marion Dufresne cruise MD185 (...
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Opal analysis of core MD11-3357 from the Marion Dufresne cruise MD185 (Indien...
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Opal analysis of core MD11-3353 from the Marion Dufresne cruise MD185 (Indien...
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Iron analysis of core MD11-3353 from the Marion Dufresne cruise MD185 (Indien...
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Phytoplankton carbon biomass in high-nutrient low-chlorophyll subantarctic wa...
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Phytoplankton pigment concentration in high-nutrient low-chlorophyll subantar...
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