Flash Eurobarometer 71 (Town Twinning Mayors/Responsibles)
Judgement by members of the city management on city partnerships as well as subsidies for such programs . Topics: function or position of person interviewed in the city or... -
Slovenian-Austrian Comparative Values Survey: Slovenia 1994
Political, local and national affiliation, nationalism and political attitudes. Topics: National pride; attitudes towards political authority and social disorder; knowing the... -
The 'Berlin Republic'
Judgement on the condition of the Republic of Germany and the role in the world. Progress in unification. Topics: most important problems in the country; party preference... -
Eurobarometer 53 (Apr- May 2000)
The major topics are: 1. Political attitudes and questions on the European Union 2. European Parliament 3. Minorities 4. Public services 5. Labeling of genetically modified food... -
DJI Youth Survey 1997
Living conditions, moral orientations, political orientations and political conduct readiness of young people and young adults. Topics: subjective age status; satisfactions with... -
World Youth Festival Survey
Attitudes of East German young people. Topics: relation between civilian population and People's Police; military purpose of the People's Police; relation between members of the... -
Berlin Youth Exhibit
Opinion on an exhibition in the Marshall house and attitude to the USA. Topics: view on various countries (Great Britain, France, USA, USSR); opinion on various areas of life in... -
Regular European Survey No. 2 (December 1968)
Attitudes to current foreign policy topics. Topics: agreement of the fundamental interests of Germany with those of the USSR and those of the USA; cooperation of the USA with... -
ALLBUS/GGSS 2000 CAPI-PAPI (Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissens...
ALLBUS (GGSS - the German General Social Survey) is a biennial trend survey based on random samples of the German population. Established in 1980, its mission is to monitor... -
ALLBUS/GGSS 2000 CAPI (Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaft...
ALLBUS (GGSS - the German General Social Survey) is a biennial trend survey based on random samples of the German population. Established in 1980, its mission is to monitor... -
ALLBUS/GGSS 2000 PAPI (Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwissenschaft...
ALLBUS (GGSS - the German General Social Survey) is a biennial trend survey based on random samples of the German population. Established in 1980, its mission is to monitor... -
Plebiscite in Berlin and Brandenburg 1996
Einstellung zur Vereinigung von Berlin und Brandenburg. Themen: Beteiligungsabsicht an der Volksabstimmung; Präferenz für Briefwahl; Abstimmung für oder gegen die... -
Slovenian Public Opinion 1990
Subjective perceptions and attitudes of the population. Topics: Happiness; satisfaction with life in general; comparison of the present and past position of society; high cost... -
The Future of the German Nation
Einschätzung der ökonomischen Lage Deutschlands. Die psychologische Befindlichkeit der Deutschen in einem vereinten Europa und einer globalisierten Welt. Themen: Wichtigstes... -
DJI Youth Survey 1992 and 1997 (Cumulated Data Set)
Living conditions, moral orientations, political orientations and readiness of young people and young adults for political conduct. Topics: subjective age status; satisfaction... -
Eurobarometer 57.2 (Apr-Jun 2002)
This Eurobarometer is focusing on health issues, cross-border purchases, and national identities. Topics: European Union (EU) respondents provided information on their health... -
ALLBUScompact/GGSScompact 1988 (Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwis...
ALLBUScompact is offered as an alternative to the structurally more complex full version of ALLBUS. It addresses the needs of newcomers to data analysis by providing a... -
ALLBUScompact/GGSScompact 1992 (Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwis...
ALLBUScompact is offered as an alternative to the structurally more complex full version of ALLBUS. It addresses the needs of newcomers to data analysis by providing a... -
ALLBUScompact/GGSScompact 1996 (Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der Sozialwis...
ALLBUScompact is offered as an alternative to the structurally more complex full version of ALLBUS. It addresses the needs of newcomers to data analysis by providing a... -
ALLBUScompact/GGSScompact 2000 CAPI-PAPI (Allgemeine Bevölkerungsumfrage der...
ALLBUScompact is offered as an alternative to the structurally more complex full version of ALLBUS. It addresses the needs of newcomers to data analysis by providing a...