Benthic nepheloid layer zooplankton abundance and biomass at station M42/2_438
Depth, water was calculated between event depth (elevation) and depth above ground. -
Benthic nepheloid layer zooplankton abundance and biomass at station M42/2_419
Depth, water was calculated between event depth (elevation) and depth above ground. -
Benthic nepheloid layer zooplankton abundance and biomass at station M42/2_417
Depth, water was calculated between event depth (elevation) and depth above ground. -
Benthic nepheloid layer zooplankton abundance and biomass at station M42/2_373
Depth, water was calculated between event depth (elevation) and depth above ground. -
Benthic nepheloid layer zooplankton abundance and biomass at station M42/2_370
Depth, water was calculated between event depth (elevation) and depth above ground. -
Zooplankton monitoring in the Trieste harbour, North Adriatic Sea (Port Autho...
Zooplankton monitoring in the Trieste harbour, North Adriatic Sea (Port Authority), in March 2015. -
Spatial variation of the zooplankton community in the Belgian part of the Nor...
Qualitative and quantitative composition and spatial distribution of the zooplankton community for 32 stations sampled on 18-19 April 1978 in the Belgian part of the North... -
Zooplankton community of Shirazi bay (Kenya) sampled between April and Decemb...
Density on zooplankton taxa and related environmental variables (chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen and biological oxygen demand) for 30 samples taken in Shirazi Bay from 15 April... -
Plankton community in WP2 net (200µm), DYFAMED point, Ligurian Sea, France
This series is part of the long term planktonic monitoring of Villefranche-sur-mer, which is one of the oldest and richest in the world. It aims at describing the dynamics of... -
Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction >300 micrometres, collected ...
Tara expeditions sampled the world’s oceans with standardized protocols, putting an exceptional effort into sampling plankton diversity across a large size range, using a... -
Assessment of zooplankton at the site of the sinking of the N.R.P. "S. Miguel"
The parameters that were considered as being able to give indications about the state of zooplanktonic populations were the abundance (biovolume) and the specific and population... -
Zooplankton studies at a fixed station (West-Hinder) in the North Sea between...
Temporal variation in the zooplankton community sampled at a fixed station, West-Hinder, between March 1977 and December 1979. The data are digitized from technical reports in... -
Feeding rhythms of the common goby Pomatoschistus microps at the brackish tid...
Catch data and numerical and gravimetrical analysis of stomach contents of <i>Pomatoschistus microps</i> sampled on 16, 17 and 19 August 1994 at 'Het verdronken land... -
Occurrence of Eukaryotes in the size fraction >200 micrometres, collected ...
The Tara Oceans project sampled contrasting ecosystems of the world oceans during a three-year expedition (2009-2013), collecting environmental data and plankton, from viruses... -
Ecological study of the plankton in the port of Ostend in 1965
An overview of all plankton species and corresponding environmental parameters measured in the harbour of Ostend in 1965. The data were digitized by VLIZ from the original... -
Planktonic copepods from coastal and inshore waters of Tudor Creek, Mombasa (...
List of copepod species and their occurrence (presence/absence) at three stations in Tudor Creek (Mombasa) for samples taken between December 1984 and March 1985. The data were... -
Harpacticoid copepods in tropical seagrass beds of Gazi Bay (Kenya) and Mbwen...
This dataset contains a list of harpacticoid copepods present in samples taken in Gazi Bay (Kenya) and Zanzibar (Tanzania) during July-August 1996. Samples were taken by... -
Community analysis and feeding ecology of the ichthyofauna in Gazi Bay sample...
Counts of observed fish species and numerical and gravimetrical stomach analysis for 9 fish species at the West and East creek of Gazi Bay during a 2 day sampling in August... -
The CPR Survey
The SAHFOS CPR survey is the longest and most geographically extensive marine biological survey in the world. The CPR survey has been in operation in the North Sea and North... -
Plankton community in Bongo net, MOOSE-GE cruises, North-Western Mediterranea...
MOOSE GE is a yearly ocean-monitoring cruise which is part of the MOOSE program https://www.moose-network.fr, within the Research Infrastructure ILICO, the aim of which is to...