2,288 datasets found

Keywords: redshifted

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  • Lyman alpha forest in HE 0515-4414

    We investigated HST/STIS and VLT/UVES spectra of the bright QSO HE 0515-4414 (z_em_=1.73, B=15.0) to study the Lyman alpha forest in the redshift range 0.9 < z < 1.7 at a...
  • Redshifts of five EIS clusters

    We report the results of the first multi-object spectroscopic observations at the Danish 1.54m telescope at La Silla, Chile. Observations of five cluster candidates from The ESO...
  • Surface photometry in 7 nearby clusters

    This is the first paper of a series investigating the scaling relations of early-type galaxies in clusters. Here we illustrate the multi-band imagery and the image reduction and...
  • ESO Imaging Survey. CDF-S point sources

    This paper describes the methodology currently being implemented in the EIS pipeline for analysing optical/infrared multi-colour data. The aim is to identify different classes...
  • Radial velocities of UCOs in Fornax

    The relation between the Ultra Compact Objects (hereafter UCOs) recently discovered in the Fornax cluster (Drinkwater et al., 2000PASA...17..227D; Hilker et al., 1999, Cat. )...
  • BVR photometry in Abell 1689

    At a redshift of 0.18, Abell 1689 is so far the most distant cluster of galaxies for which substantial mid-infrared (MIR) data have been published. Its mapping with the ISOCAM...
  • Galaxy warps in the HDF North and South

    We present a statistical study of the presence of galaxy warps in the Hubble deep fields. Among a complete sample of 45 edge-on galaxies above a diameter of 1.3", we find 5...
  • Group of Galaxies in the SSRS2 catalog

    We present an automated method to detect populations of groups in galaxy redshift catalogs. This method uses both analysis of the redshift distribution along lines of sight in...
  • Spectroscopic Survey of Cl 0024+1654

    This wide-field spectroscopic survey of Cl 0024+1654 (ZwCl 0024.0+1652) is based on multi-object spectroscopy done with MOS on CFHT and LDSS_2 on WHT. Photometric measurements...
  • UVES Spectrum of APM BR J0307-4945

    We present the first high-resolution (6.2 to 7.7km/s FWHM) spectra of the APM BR J0307-4945 quasar at z_em_=4.73 obtained with UVES on the 8.2m VLT Kueyen telescope. We focus...
  • The Hamburg/SAO Survey for ELGs. IV

    We present the fourth list with results of the Hamburg/SAO Survey for Emission-Line Galaxies (HSS hereafter, SAO -- Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russia). The main goal of...
  • Photometry of UCM galaxies. II.

    We present Johnson B surface photometry for the UCM Survey galaxies. One-dimensional bulge-disk decomposition is attempted, discussing on fitting functions and computational...
  • HDF-N spiral and irregular galaxies

    We analyze a morphologically-selected complete sample of 52 late-type (spiral and irregular) galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field North with total K-magnitudes brighter than...
  • 86GHz VLBI survey of compact radio sources

    File table1 contains the list of observed sources, providing the source coordinates (J2000) and redshift, detection status, type, optical magnitude, and brightness temperature...
  • Redshift from UBRI photometry method

    A new method is developed for estimating photometric redshifts, using realistic template Spectral Energy Distributions (SEDs), extending over four decades in wavelength (i.e....
  • BR photometry of Abell 2104

    The cluster Abell 2104 is one of the lowest redshift clusters (z=0.153) known to have a gravitational lensing arc. We present detailed analysis of the cluster properties such as...
  • High redshift radio galaxies emission lines

    This table gives radio and spectroscopic data for 167 radio galaxies, taken from the references given in the last column, from the WENSS, Texas and NVSS radio surveys, or...
  • Hamburg/ESO survey for bright QSOs. III.

    Appendix to the above paper, containing the two large tables A.1 and B.1 described in the paper. Table A.1 gives the basic properties of the 207 survey fields used to construct...
  • Great Attractor region redshifts

    In the third of a series of papers on large-scale structures behind the southern Milky Way, we report here on redshifts obtained at the South African Astronomical Observatory...
  • 6 and 20cm flux densities of radio galaxies

    We discuss the "angular size-redshift" relation for compact radio sources distributed over a wide range of redshifts 0.011<=z<=4.72. Our study is based on a sample of 330...
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