Pollen profile MALOE, Maloe, Belarus
The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database. -
Pollen profile MABO, Mabo Moss, Sweden
Method: HCl, NaOH, HF when needed, acetolysis, Lycopodium tablets.The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This... -
Pollen profile LOCHINSK, Lochinskoe, Belarus
The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database. -
Pollen profile LOBHOLO, Lobsigensee, Switzerland
The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database. -
Pollen profile LLOCHANS, Little Lochans, United Kingdom
Method: Samples were measured for 0.5 cm**3 volume by displacement and subjected to standard treatments involving HF, NaOH, HCl, and acetolysis (Faegri and Iverson, 1989).... -
Pollen profile LIGNIN2, Lignin Lake, France
The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database. -
Pollen profile LIGNIN1, Lignin Lake, France
The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database. -
Pollen profile LGC, Lagaccione, Italy
The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database. -
Pollen profile LEDN86, Lake Lednica, Poland
Method: KOH, acetolysis (Faegri and Iversen, 1975). Mineral sapmles pretreated with HF.The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the... -
Pollen profile LABORDE, Tourbière de la Barthe, France
The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database. -
Pollen profile KVARNTRA, Lake Kvarnträsk, Finland
Method: KOH, HF, acetolysis, KOH.The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11... -
Pollen profile KUPENA, Kupena, Bulgaria
Method: KOH.The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database. -
Pollen profile KRUMPA, Krumpa, Germany
The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database. -
Pollen profile KOPAIS, Kopais, Greece
The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database. -
Pollen profile KOLDYCHE, Koldychevo, Belarus
The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database. -
Pollen profile KLUK74, Kluki, Poland
Method: HCl 10%, hot KHO 10%, Erdtman's acetolysis, dehydration with alcohol, mounting in glycerine.The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is... -
Pollen profile KHOMUST, Khomustakh Lake, Russia
The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database. -
Pollen profile KHIMAIII, Khimaditis III, Greece
Method: KOH, Acetolysis, Safranine, Silicone oil.The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was... -
Pollen profile KHIMADIT, Khimaditis Ib, Greece
Method: KOH, Acetolysis, Safranine, Silicone oil.The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was... -
Pollen profile KARAMIK, Kararmik Batakligi, Turkey
Method: Heavy-liquid separation (Bromoform-Alcohol mixture s.w. 2.0) followed by standard procedure, Faegri and Iversen (1973).The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net)...