Minislice at the North Galactic Pole. II.
A catalogue of 328 positions, redshifts, bJ magnitudes and bJ-rF colours of galaxies down to bJ=20.5 in 4x0.67 degrees slice close to the North Galactic Pole is presented. Two... -
Secondary velocity standards at NGP
We present mean radial velocities for 143 stars in Selected Area 57 at the north Galactic pole that are suitable for use as secondary velocity standards. The stars were drawn... -
DDO Photometry and Radial Velocities at Galactic Poles
This catalogue includes the DDO photometry and the radial velocities observed for the study of the kinematics and abundance gradients of G and K stars in the Galactic poles... -
NGP G5-M stars RV, DDO and BV photometry
Radial velocities are given for some 900 stars within 15{deg} of the North Galactic Pole, including almost all such stars classified G5 or latter in the Henry-Draper Catalogue... -
X-ray sources in the AKARI NEP deep field
We present data products from the 300ks Chandra survey in the AKARI North Ecliptic Pole (NEP) deep field. This field has a unique set of 9-band infrared photometry covering 2-24... -
RIK photometry of far-IR sources in NGP
We present follow-up observations of the far-infrared (FIR) sources at 90, 150 and 180um detected as part of the ISOPHOT EBL project, which has recently measured the absolute... -
Kinematics of RR Lyr and HB stars in NGP
Radial velocities and proper motions (derived from the GSC-II data base) are given for 38 RR Lyrae (RRL) stars and 79 blue horizontal branch (BHB) stars in a ~200deg^2^ area... -
5C12: survey near the North Galactic Pole
This catalog contains a deep survey (5C12) of a region close to the North Galactic Pole carried out with the Cambridge One-Mile Telescope at 408 MHz (HPBW 80"x139") and at 1407... -
Case low-dispersion Survey VI
Positions, estimated magnitudes, and finding charts (when needed) are provided for 183 A-F stars (including both Population I and horizontal-branch stars) contained within the... -
Unobscured QSOs in ecliptic poles from KMTNet & PS1
We search for quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) in a wide area of the south ecliptic pole (SEP) field, which has been and will continue to be intensively explored through various... -
Properties of low z QSO absorption systems
All of the observations were made using the Hubble Space Telescope Faint Object Spectrograph. Every QSO chosen for our program was observed using the G190H grating, with a... -
The SSRS2 Sample
In this paper we continue our investigation on the isophotal nature, accuracy, and uniformity of the magnitude system adopted in the Southern Sky Redshift Survey extension... -
Polarization at high galactic latitude
We have measured the interstellar polarization for 2400 stars at the distances of up to 600pc and within 60 degrees and 30 degrees from the north and south Galactic poles. These... -
Vertical distribution of galactic disk stars
Nearly 400 Tycho-2 (Cat. ) stars have been observed in a 720 square degree field in the direction of the North Galactic Pole with the high resolution echelle spectrograph... -
Interstellar polarization. VI.
We present new interstellar polarization measurements for 116 stars at high galactic latitudes. Our data show that Markkanen's cloud - the main polarization structure seen in... -
Polarization catalogue for NGP area
We present a catalog of interstellar polarization measurements for the North Galactic Pole area (b>70{deg}). Our list contains 336 stars of spectral classes from A to K for... -
Stars earlier than F2 in a NGP region
An objective prism survey for stars of spectral type F2 and earlier in a North Galactic Pole region was made with the Hamburg 80-120cm Schmidt telescope (dispersion 590{AA}/mm... -
G5 and later stars in a North Galactic Pole region
The catalog is an objective-prism survey of late-type stars in a region of 396 square degrees surrounding the north galactic pole. The objective-prism spectra employed have a... -
5C14/5C15/5C16 Radio Survey at 408 and 1407 MHz
This catalog contains the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth sections of the 5C Cambridge survey of radio sources. This catalog reports further 408 and 1407 MHz observations... -
Faint Galaxies at the North Galactic Pole
The North Galactic Pole Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Catalogue of faint galaxies is made available. We provide positions, photometric and structural parameters for more than...