1,118 datasets found

Keywords: line intensities

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  • EWs from NIR-spectra of Cool giants stars

    We explored here the near-infrared H-band atmospheric window aiming to provide quantitative diagnostic tools for deriving stellar parameters, for instance, effective temperature...
  • Spectral Measurements of ZTF SN Ia DR2

    More than 3000 spectroscopically confirmed Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are presented in the Zwicky Transient Facility SN Ia Data Release 2 (ZTF DR2). In this paper, we detail...
  • 15 Vul, an evolved Am star, abundances

    Understanding the evolution of metallic-line (Am) stars requires well determined atmospheric parameters and abundance patterns of the selected candidates. In this study, we...
  • B-type stars in NGC 6834

    This study focuses on the open cluster NGC 6834. Despite being well-known, its primary parameters show considerable variation. As an intermediate-age cluster (50-80 million...
  • Earth 2.0 candidates stellar magnetic activity

    Stellar chromospheric activity can impact the search for exoplanets. Earth 2.0 (ET 2.0) is a space telescope designed for exoplanet detection. This work surveys stellar...
  • Spectroscopy of AGNs in low-mass galaxies

    The origins of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) at the centers of massive galaxies are a topic of intense investigation. One way to address this subject is to identify the seeds...
  • Byurakan-IRAS galaxies (BIG) with SDSS spectra

    The sample of Byurakan-IRAS galaxies (BIG) has been created based on optical identifications of IRAS Point Source Catalog (PSC) at high galactic latitudes. As a result, 1178...
  • Equivalent widths of thick-disk red giants

    The atmospheric parameters and elemental abundances for ten thick-disk red giants have been determined from high-resolution spectra by the method of model stellar atmospheres....
  • Equivalent widths of 14 red giants

    The results of a comparative analysis of the elemental abundances in the atmospheres of 14 red giants with high Galactic space velocities are presented. For almost all of the...
  • Spectrum of bipolar nebula AFGL 2688

    Based on echelle spectra obtained at the prime focus of the 6-m telescope, the detailed chemical composition of one of the components of the bipolar nebula identified with the...
  • IRAS 20004+2955 (V1027 Cyg) chemical comp.

    Based on high-dispersion echelle spectra taken with the 6-m telescope, detailed chemical composition of the IR source IRAS 20004+2955 identified with the variable star V1027 Cyg...
  • Spectrum of IRAS 23304+6147

    Based on CCD-spectra obtain with the 6-m telescope, detailed chemical composition of the IR source IRAS 23304+6147 identified with the faint star is studied.
  • Emission-line stars in the W5E HII region

    We have made a new survey of emission-line stars in the W5 E HII region to investigate the population of PMS stars near the OB stars by using the Wide Field Grism Spectrograph 2...
  • Properties of 160 F-K disk dwarfs/subgiants

    The properties of 160 F, G, and K disk dwarfs/subgiants (including 27 planet-host stars) mostly within -0.6<~[Fe/H]<~+0.4, the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory spectrum...
  • Lithium abundances of F-K stars

    An extensive profile-fitting analysis was performed for the Li(+Fe) 6707-6708{AA} feature of nearby 160 F-K dwarfs/subgiants (including 27 planet-host stars) in the Galactic...
  • Late-G giants abundances

    Towards clarifying the properties of late-G giants, for which we are currently conducting a planet-search project at Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, an extensive...
  • AGN activity in isolated SDSS galaxies

    We discuss the nature and origin of the nuclear activity observed in a sample of 292 SDSS narrow-emission-line galaxies, considered to have formed and evolved in isolation. All...
  • Stellar Spectral Classification. II.

    The method developed by Stock & Stock (1999RMxAA..35..143S) for stars of spectral types A to K to derive absolute magnitudes and intrinsic colors from the equivalent widths...
  • E+A galaxy candidates in LAMOST DR2

    A sample of 70 E+A galaxies is selected from 37206 galaxies in the second data release of the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST). This sample is...
  • Activity types of ROSAT/SDSS galaxies

    In this study we carry out detailed spectral classification of 173 AGN candidates from the Joint HRC/BHRC sample, which is a combination of HRC (Hamburg-ROSAT Catalogue) and...
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