Discursive construction of neighborhood across Brooklyn: A corpus-ethnographi...
This data set consists of several sub-corpora used for the analysis of the discursive construction of 'neighborhood' in Brooklyn, New York. It comprises orthographic... -
Agdal-pastoral territory-Zat Valley
Field data collected during the H2020 program mission. Ayoub Elouarti is preparing a thesis in Geography and spatial planning. This project has received funding from the... -
CLIWOC - Climatological Database for the World's Oceans 1750-1850 (release 1.5)
The principal objective of the CLIWOC project was to realise the scientific potential of logbook climatic data and to produce a database of daily weather observations for the... -
Geographical Terminological Dictionary
The Geographical Terminological Dictionary contains 8,922 geographical terms and covers a total of nineteen geographical disciplines. It provides detailed definitions of terms,... -
Kakovost bivalnega okolja v izbranih slovenskih mestih, 2014
Osrednji namen raziskave je bil izmeriti kakovost bivalnega okolja v izbranih mestnih območjih izbranih slovenskih mest na začetku drugega desetletja 21. stoletja na subjektiven... -
Nacionalna evidenca funkcionalno degradiranih območij v Sloveniji, 2017
Hitre družbene in gospodarske spremembe močno vplivajo tudi na vse hitrejšo dinamiko prostorskega razvoja. Na eni strani se srečujemo z vse večjimi zahtevami investitorjev po... -
Johan Anderson: Beschryving van Ysland, Groenland en de Straat Davis (1756)
Beschryving van Ysland, Groenland en de Straat Davis. Bevattende zo wel ene bestipte bepaling van de ligging en grote van die Eilanden, als een volledige ontvouwing van hunne... -
Politieke meningsvorming in Lelystad 1974
Exposure to mass-media / political interest / opinion leadership / sense of political efficacy ( local level ) / information on persons in local political bodies / need for... -
Built Environments, Constructed Societies
Archaeology, as the discipline that searches to explain the development of society by means of material remains, has been avoiding the big issues involved with its research... -
Hans Poulsen Egede, Beschryving van Oud-Groenland, of eigentlyk van de zoogen...
Diplomatische weergave van: Beschryving van Oud-Groenland, Of eigentlyk van de zoogenaamde Straat Davis: behelzende deszelfs Natuurlyke Historie, Standsgelegenheid, Gedaante,... -
COROP data Nederland 1988
To provide key data at COROP level for the period 1970-1980. This nucleus is part of a European project to provide such data for a number of countries. As part of the European... -
Residentiele ontwikkelingen in uitdijende stedelijke gebieden, 1960-1980, 1983
What are the effects of expanding urban residential systems on the constituting parts of these systems, both in a qualitative and in a quantitative way. The migration areas of... -
Buurtsamenstelling en woontevredenheid 1990-1993
This survey is about the relation between social homogeneity of the neighbourhood and the level of satisfaction with housing situation of the local residents. Both... -
Orientatie op Amsterdam 1974
Motivation for migration / visits to Amsterdam, frequency, transport, purpose / frequency and location of shopping, visits to cinema, theatre, cafe, etc. / participation in... -
Migratiemotieven 1967
Investigation into the motives of settling in, and moving from the municipality of Breda and bordering areas / occupational history / housing conditions history / satisfaction... -
J. Uelenberg, Merkwaardige lotgevallen van vier Russische matrozen, die verla...
Transcriptie van J. Uelenberg, Merkwaardige lotgevallen van vier Russische matrozen, die verlaten van hun schip zijn achtergebleven op een onbewoond eiland, genaamd: Spitsbergen... -
Migratie-onderzoek Noord-Beveland 1972
Migration motivations. Background variables: basic characteristics/ household characteristics/ place of work/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/... -
Hierarchie van winkelcentra 1973
Visiting different shopping centres in Amersfoort / reasons / frequency / distance from house to shopping centre / transport / which articles and services are purchased in which... -
Migratie in de Oostelijke mijnstreek 1968-1969
Occupational level of migrants in relation to occupational level of resident population in south-east Limburg. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household... -
Woningmarktonderzoek Gooiland 1971
Details on type of house present versus ideal / immigration and emigration motivation / place of work / satisfaction with housing condition / detailed list of present...