Intertidal Mixing Zone Targeted Locus (Loci)
Submarine groundwater must pass through an Fe-mineralized barrier before being discharged to coastal environments. Our goal was to assay the microbial members of this subsurface... -
oyster metagenome Raw sequence reads
We studied microbial communities related to Pacific oysters in Puget Sound estuarine of Washington State, USA. -
How habitat heterogeneity shapes bacterial and protistan communities in tempe...
In this study, we investigated microbial communities (bacteria and protist) in two coastal areas near the estuaries of the Liaohe (LH) River and Yalujiang (YLJ) River in the... -
How habitat heterogeneity shapes bacterial and protistan communities in tempe...
In this study, we investigated microbial communities (bacteria and protist) in two coastal areas near the estuaries of the Liaohe (LH) River and Yalujiang (YLJ) River in the... -
Thalassiosira rotula Raw sequence reads
Thalassiosira rotula microbiome from common garden experiment -
Galveston Bay microbial communities following Hurricane Harvey
16S and 18S ribosomal RNA microbial communities in Galveston Bay following Hurricane Harvey. -
Saccostrea glomerata Transcriptome
Transcriptome data from S. glomerata exposed to different environmental stressors -
Community composition of diatom genus Thalassiosira in Narragansett Bay
The project is aimed to investigate the species diversity and temporal change of community composition of Thalassiosira diatoms in Narragansett Bay. The ultimate goal is to... -
Mariprofundus ferrooxydans strain:O-1 Genome sequencing and assembly
This submission represents a novel strain of an iron-oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria, Mariprofundus ferrooxydans strain O1. It was isolated from the steel-hulled shallow water... -
Whole genome sequencing of male smalltooth sawfish, Pristis pectinata
Genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics are rapidly increasing our knowledge of non-model species biology, and is increasingly being used to benefit conservation initiatives... -
Crosstalk with astrocytes establishes tumor edge in glioblastoma
Clinical outcomes for patients with glioblastoma (GBM) are extremely poor due to inevitable tumor recurrence even after extensive treatments. These recurrences are thought to... -
Atlantic Killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) gut microbiome sequencing
16S V4 rRNA amplicon sequencing of Fundulus heteroclitus gut microbiomes -
Thalassiosira pseudonana CCMP1335 Genome sequencing and assembly
Genome resequencing of wild-type and potentially mutant Thalassiosira pseudonana -
surface water -
Oujiang River Ichthyoplankton Survey: Cyt b gene
High-Throughput DNA Metabarcoding as an Approach for Ichthyoplankton Survey in Oujiang River Estuary, China -
oyster hemolymph transcriptomes challenged with Perkinsus marinus and apoptos...
Pooled eastern oyster hemolymph from a mixture of selectively bred families (VIMS) was challenged in triplicate with filtered sterile seawater (FSSW) (control), Perkinsus... -
Eastern oyster genome resequencing for SNP discovery and array development
The eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica is a major aquaculture species for the United States. The Eastern Oyster Breeding Consortium (EOBC) was formed to advance genetics and... -
Metatranscriptome profiling of a harmful algal bloom.
Here we apply high throughput short-read sequencing of poly-A selected RNA to capture the metatranscriptome of an estuarine dinoflagellate bloom.This environmental sample... -
The project is aimed to investigate the presence of morphologically cryptic species in diatom genus Skeletonema and re-assess the magnitude and temporal pattern of Skeletonema... -
PAH degradation under dissimilatory nitrate reducing conditions
Study the potential of an indigenous estuarine prokaryotic consortium to degrade polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) compounds under dissimilatory nitrate reducing conditions.