929 datasets found

Keywords: effective temperature

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  • Earliest phases of CNO enrichment in galaxies

    The recent detection of super-solar carbon-to-oxygen and nitrogen-to-oxygen abundance ratios in a bunch of metal-poor galaxies at high redshift by the James Webb Space Telescope...
  • J-PLUS DR2 white dwarfs calcium absorption

    We used the Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS) second data release (DR2) photometry in 12 optical bands over 2176deg^2^ to estimate the fraction of white...
  • High-Quality gamma Dor stars GSP-Spec param.

    The third Data Release of the ESA Gaia mission has provided a large sample of new gravity-mode pulsators, among which more than 11600 are {gamma} Dor stars. The goal of the...
  • Pristine Inner Galaxy Survey. X.

    We aim to constrain the chemo-dynamical properties of the Sagittarius (Sgr) dwarf galaxy using carbon abundances. At low metallicities in particular, these properties reveal the...
  • EWs from NIR-spectra of Cool giants stars

    We explored here the near-infrared H-band atmospheric window aiming to provide quantitative diagnostic tools for deriving stellar parameters, for instance, effective temperature...
  • Lithium study with GC NGC 6752

    This paper presents a chemical abundance analysis of 217 stars in the metal-poor globular cluster NGC 6752, distributed from the turn-off to the lower red giant branch. Al and...
  • SpectroTranslator GALAH and APOGEE examples

    In modern Galactic astronomy, stellar spectroscopy plays a ivotal role in complementing large photometric and astrometric surveys and enabling deeper insights to be gained into...
  • Abundances study of Pristine VMP stars

    We present a one-dimensional, local thermodynamic equilibrium homogeneous analysis of 132 stars observed at high resolution with ESPaDOnS. This represents the largest sample...
  • Earth 2.0 candidates stellar magnetic activity

    Stellar chromospheric activity can impact the search for exoplanets. Earth 2.0 (ET 2.0) is a space telescope designed for exoplanet detection. This work surveys stellar...
  • SHBoost 2024

    With Gaia Data Release 3 (DR3), new and improved astrometric, photometric, and spectroscopic measurements for 1.8 billion stars have become available. Alongside this wealth of...
  • The DEBCat detached eclipsing binary catalogue

    Detached eclipsing binary star systems are our primary source of measured physical properties of normal stars. I introduce DEBCat: a catalog of detached eclipsing binaries with...
  • Teff and metallicities for Tycho-2 stars

    We have created specialized target lists for radial velocity surveys that are biased toward stars that (1) possess planets and (2) are easiest to observe with current detection...
  • Kepler Input Catalog

    The Kepler Mission, NASA Discovery mission #10, is specifically designed to survey our region of the Milky Way galaxy to discover hundreds of Earth-size and smaller planets in...
  • Geneva-Copenhagen Survey of Solar neighbourhood

    (no description available) Cone search capability for table V/117A/newcat (Main catalogue recalibrated data (2007))
  • Newly spectroscopically confirmed DB white dwarfs

    Using a machine learning (ML) method, we mine DB white dwarfs (DBWDs) from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release (DR) 12 and DR14. The ML method consists of two...
  • Atmospheric parameters of nearby F-K stars

    Based on a collection of high-dispersion spectra obtained at Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, the atmospheric parameters (Teff, logg, vt, and [Fe/H]) of 160 mid-F through...
  • Massive stars in 30 Dor

    The 30 Doradus star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud is a nearby analog of large star-formation events in the distant universe. We determined the recent formation...
  • UCD Benchmarks with Detailed Abundances

    Ultracool dwarfs (UCDs) are considered prime targets for galactic archeology due to their abundance, long lifespans, and the sensitivity of their spectra to chemical...
  • Kepler main sequence star super-flare

    We wrote and used an automated flare detection Python script to search for super-flares on main sequence stars of types A, F, G, K and M in Kepler's long-cadence data from Q0 to...
  • LAMOST M stars stellar and flare parameters

    A catalog of M stars has been published from the Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope data release 7 (LAMOST DR7). We cross-matched the LAMOST M catalog...
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