This dataset contains fish auction photos from different auctions of mediterranean spanish coast The Digipesca Project is a project funded by the Ministry of Agriculture,... -
HMAP Dataset 01: SE Australian Trawl Fishery I: Fish (various) landings and f...
Historical data relating to the South East Fishery (SEF), time period 1918-1923. -
HMAP Dataset 14: Galapagos Marine Reserve, Ecuador II
This dataset contains data on historical catch and effort statistics for sea cucumber, spiny lobster and finfish fisheries in the Galapagos Marine Reserve since 1961. -
Historical landings for the lagoon of Venice (Italy) between 1945 and 2001
The dataset was obtained from the original registers of the fish markets of Venice and Chioggia that were available on paper documents from 1945 to 1996, and in electronic... -
Young Fish Survey Data 1981 to 2010
Total numbers of individual fish identified during the Cefas Young Fish Survey (YFS) which ran from 1981 to 2010. The survey deployed a light 2-meter beam trawl to survey... -
POPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Tuna species caught in the Az...
Tuna species caught and commercialized by pole and line tuna fishery boats. -
HMAP Dataset 04: World Whaling
This dataset includes worldwide data on whale catches and effort, whaling statistics, whaling technology, whale oil and whaling logbooks. The data covers the time period 1700-2000. -
Swedish Board of Fisheries (Fiskeriverket) - Institute of coastal research
Observations done by the Institute of Coastal Research (from the Swedish Board of Fisheries). -
HMAP Dataset 17: North Sea Demersal Fish
This dataset contains historical catch, effort and biological data relating to the UK North Sea demersal fishery. The data covers the time period 1920-1997. -
Historical landings from the Venice (Italy) fish market between 1905 and 1927
Historical landings from the Venice (Italy) fish market for the period 1905-1927 (with some temporal gaps) were retrieved and transformed into workable spreadsheets from... -
HMAP Dataset 16: Peru, South-east Pacific
This dataset contains historical catch, effort and biological data relating to four demersal species fished off Peru (hake, seabass, croaker and searobin) since 1950. -
Historical landings from the Trieste (Italy) fish market between 1902 and 1968
Historical landings from the Trieste (currently Italy) fish market for the period 1902-1968 (with some temporal gaps) were retrieved and entered in a digital format from the... -
HMAP Dataset 18: Colombian Caribbean Sea
This dataset contains catch data collected during scientific cruises in the northern Colombian Caribbean Sea. The data covers the time period 1970-2001. -
A database-driven web site on all living cephalopods (octopus, squid, cuttlefish and nautilus). Contact at cephbase@hotmail.com -
POPA- Fisheries Observer Program of the Azores: Accessory species caught in t...
Other fish species caught during the tuna fishing operation that were commercialized. These species were caught along with the target species (tuna) by using pole and line. -
HMAP Dataset 06: Newfoundland, 1675-1698
Fishermen, settlers and cod catches in 17th-century Newfoundland. -
HMAP Dataset 11: Limfjord Fisheries
This dataset contains catch and fishing effort data for various species in the Limfjord (Denmark), including historical statistics and catch per unit effort. The data covers the... -
HMAP Dataset 22: Catch and Fishing Effort in the Limfjord Fisheries
This dataset contains historical data on catch and fishing effort in Limfjord (Denmark) for various species. The data covers the time period 1690-1816. -
HMAP Dataset 21: Gulf of Thailand cephalopod fisheries
This dataset contains historical catch data from the Gulf of Thailand for squid, cuttlefish and octopus. The data covers the time period 1971-2005. -
HMAP Dataset 15: Galapagos Marine Reserve, Ecuador III
This dataset contains data on historical catch and effort statistics for sea cucumber, spiny lobster and finfish fisheries in the Galapagos Marine Reserve since 1961.