Vertical distribution of suspended aggregates during THALASSA cruise PROSOPE
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Large-particle distribution at time series station DYFAMED
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The effect of phosphorus limitation and heat stress on calcification in Emili...
Calcifying haptophytes (coccolithophores) sequester carbon in the form of organic and inorganic cellular components (coccoliths). We examined the effect of phosphorus (P)... -
Data compilation of ciliates growth rate, grazing rate and gross gowth effici...
The present data compilation includes ciliates growth rate, grazing rate and gross growth efficiency determined either in the field or in laboratory experiments. From the... -
Growth rates of various ciliates determined experimentally
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of planktonic ciliates determined experimen...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of tintinnids determined experimentally
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Feeding rates of Ciliates on Heterocapsa triquetra determined experimentally
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Feeding and growth rates of Favella sp. determined experimentally
Carbon per cell of prey calculated using the following equation of Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000): picogram carbon per cell = 0.216biovolume*0.939. -
Feeding, growth and grazing rates of Strombidium sp. determined experimentally
Carbon per cell of grazer calculated using the following equation of Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000): picogram carbon per cell = 0.216biovolume*0.939. -
Feeding, growth and grazing rates of Lohmanniella spiraliss determined experi...
Carbon per cell of grazer and prey calculated using the following equation of Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000): picogram carbon per cell = 0.216biovolume*0.939. -
Feeding, growth and grazing rates of the marine planktonic ciliate Strombidin...
Carbon per cell of grazer calculated using the following equation of Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000): picogram carbon per cell = 0.216biovolume*0.939. -
Growth rate of the marine planktonic ciliate Strombidinopsis cheshiri determi...
Carbon per cell of grazer calculated using the following equation of Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000): picogram carbon per cell = 0.216biovolume*0.939. -
Feeding, growth and grazing rates of two tintinnid ciliate species determined...
Carbon per cell of grazer and prey calculated using the following equation of Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000): picogram carbon per cell = 0.216biovolume*0.939. -
Feeding, growth and grazing rates of marine planktonic oligotrichous ciliates...
Carbon per cell of grazer and prey calculated using the following equation of Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000): picogram carbon per cell = 0.216biovolume*0.939. -
Feeding, growth and grazing rates of the oligotrich ciliate Strombidium sulca...
Carbon per cell of prey and grazer calculated using the following equation of Menden-Deuer and Lessard (2000): picogram carbon per cell = 0.216biovolume*0.939. -
Feeding, growth and grazing rates of the heterotrophic Oblea rotunda determin...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of thecate heterotrophic Dinoflagellates de...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of Diplopsalis lenticula determined experim...
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Feeding, growth and grazing rates of Gyrodinium dominans determined experimen...
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