Monthly data of mesozooplankton abundance and biomass for a shelf station off...
Abundance and biomass of mesozooplankton (>200µm) in monthly samples collected in a shelf station off A Coruña (NW Spain) between 1990 and 2018. Zooplankton sampled... -
Mesozooplankton long-term time-series at the fixed coastal station in the Gul...
Identification and counts of specimens were performed on aliquots (20-25%) of entire samples by using a graduate large-bore pipette. Copepods were identified to the species... -
Mesozooplankton long-term time-series at the fixed coastal station in the Gul...
Identification and counts of specimens were performed on aliquots (20-25%) of entire samples by using a graduate large-bore pipette. Copepods were identified to the species... -
Mesozooplankton long-term time-series at the fixed coastal station in the Gul...
Identification and counts of specimens were performed on aliquots (20-25%) of entire samples by using a graduate large-bore pipette. Copepods were identified to the species... -
Mesozooplankton average mass during Professor Vodyanitskiy cruise PV12, Part II
Mesozooplankton was sampled by open-closing JUDAY net with a 36 cm ring diameter and mesh size of 125 µm. Additionally, the JUDAY oceanic model JOM with 300 µm mesh size and 80... -
Mesozooplankton average length during Professor Vodyanitskiy cruise PV12, Par...
Mesozooplankton was sampled by open-closing JUDAY net with a 36 cm ring diameter and mesh size of 125 µm. The open-closing mechanism used was the Nansen mechanical lock system... -
Mesozooplankton abundance during Professor Vodyanitskiy cruise PV12, Part II
Mesozooplankton was sampled by open-closing JUDAY net with a 36 cm ring diameter and mesh size of 125 µm. The open-closing mechanism used was the Nansen mechanical lock system... -
Mesozooplankton biomass during Professor Vodyanitskiy cruise PV12, Part II
Mesozooplankton was sampled by open-closing JUDAY net with a 36 cm ring diameter and mesh size of 125 µm. The open-closing mechanism used was the Nansen mechanical lock system... -
Abundance of mesozooplankton collected in October and November 1991 at 20 sta...
The O91- Mesozooplankton dataset is based on samples collected in mid October-mid November 1991 at 20 stations in the South Aegean, the SE.Ionian Sea and in NW Levantine.... -
Abundance of mesozooplankton determined from water bottle samples during AEGA...
The entire samples from deep layers or aliquota (1/4) from the upper layer have been analyzed under a binocular microscope. Copepoda and cladocera species have been identified... -
Copepoda abundance measured on water bottle samples during AEGAEO cruise O91
The entire samples from deep layers or aliquota (1/4) from the upper layer have been analyzed under a binocular microscope. -
Mesozooplankton abundance and species composition in the Gulf of Naples and t...
Mouth diameter of the net was 113 cm, mesh size 200 µm. Samples were immediately fixed with formaldehyde (2-4% final concentration) for specimen identification and counts.... -
Mesozooplankton abundance and species composition in the Gulf of Naples and t...
Mouth diameter of the net was 113 cm, mesh size 200 µm. Samples were immediately fixed with formaldehyde (2-4% final concentration) for specimen identification and counts.... -
Mesozooplankton abundance and species composition in the Gulf of Naples and t...
Mouth diameter of the net was 113 cm, mesh size 200 µm. Samples were immediately fixed with formaldehyde (2-4% final concentration) for specimen identification and counts.... -
Abundance of mesozooplankton in the Sicily Channel in October 1991. Part 1
Mouth diameter of the net was 113 cm, mesh size 200 µm. Samples were immediately fixed with formaldehyde (2-4% final concentration) for specimen identification and counts.... -
Mesozooplankton abundance in water of the Aegean Sea at Station SEPT-1998-MNB...
Microplankton species composition analysis was performed according to the inverted microscope method of Utermoehl. Samples for identification and enumeration of larger... -
Mesozooplankton abundance in water of the Aegean Sea at Station SEPT-1998-MNB...
Microplankton species composition analysis was performed according to the inverted microscope method of Utermoehl. Samples for identification and enumeration of larger... -
Mesozooplankton abundance in water of the Aegean Sea at Station SEPT-1998-MNB...
Microplankton species composition analysis was performed according to the inverted microscope method of Utermoehl. Samples for identification and enumeration of larger... -
Mesozooplankton abundance in water of the Aegean Sea at Station SEPT-1998-MNB...
Microplankton species composition analysis was performed according to the inverted microscope method of Utermoehl. Samples for identification and enumeration of larger... -
Mesozooplankton abundance in water of the Aegean Sea at Station SEPT-1998-K22wp2
Microplankton species composition analysis was performed according to the inverted microscope method of Utermoehl. Samples for identification and enumeration of larger...