Soil properties data of soil organic carbon, pH, soil texture, cation exchang...
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Tropical agricultural soil carbon dynamics and related physicochemical proper...
Soil pits were dug and sampled by horizon using National Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) methods at 20 locations chosen to represent the heterogeneity of soils present. The... -
Predicted soil data from samples in Lora del Rio, Andalusia, Spain
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Spatiotemporal Distribution of Archaeological Sites in Borneo Over the Last 4...
The dataset comprises 73 archaeological and historical sites across Borneo, a valuable resource for researchers interested in regional Bornean human occupation and settlement.... -
Laboratory experiment of cation exchange capacity (CEC) from rock and mineral...
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Soil characteristics of savannah soils across Brasil
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(Table 1) Major soil characteristics from a Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) f...
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Description of properties of soil horizons from the Ouémé Upper Catchment (HV...
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Belowground soil analysis from the Tibetan Plateau
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Physical and chemical characteristics of soil horizons from the CARBOSOL Data...
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(Table 3) Chemical analyses of profiles along the ridgeline hill slope above ...
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Environmental and stand structural characteristics of the European oak specie...
Classification of nutrient and water supply level: (NW = high nutrient & high water supply level), (Nw = high nutrient & low water supply level), (nW = low nutrient... -
(Table 23) Soil parameters of all relevés sampled along the Yamal Transect, 2...
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(Table 4) Cation exchange capacity for basalts of ODP Sites 124-768 and 124-770
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(Table 1c) Cation exchange capacity and water content of ODP Site 190-1177
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(Table 1b) Cation exchange capacity and water content of ODP Site 190-1174
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(Table 1a) Cation exchange capacity and water content of ODP Site 190-1173
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(Table 2) Cation exchange capacity of ODP Site 131-808
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Leaf damage data on European beech leaves from saplings and mature trees from...
Leaf damage data on European beech leaves from saplings and mature trees from Lower Saxony, Germany. Three forest stand types were studied (European beech/Douglas fir mixture,... -
Soil health indicators for Central Washington Orchards
The objective of this study was to initiate the steps to develop a soil assessment tool for irrigated orchard soils in Central Washington, United States including defining...