Chironomid counts of sediment core UDD-E from Lake Uddelermeer (The Netherlan...
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Holocene temperature reconstructions for northeastern North America and the n...
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Holocene temperature reconstructions for northeastern North America and the n...
This dataset has no description
Chironomid head capsules for the Holocene sediment sequence retrieved from La...
This dataset provides counts of chironomid head capsules for the Holocene sediment sequence retrieved from Lake Loitsana (Finland) in 2008. Counts per taxon are presented... -
Biological indicator records (diatoms, chrysophyte cysts, freshwater inverteb...
Here, we present diatom (Bacillariophyceae), chrysophyte (Chrysophyceae), and zoological indicator (Chironomidae, other aquatic insect, planktonic crustaceans, Bryozoa,... -
Chironomid counts for the Holocene record of Crooked Pond (US)
This dataset provides chironomid counts for the Holocene sediment sequence retrieved from Crooked Pond (United States). Sediment cores were retrieved from the lake using a 1-m... -
Chironomid percent-abundances for an Early Weichselian record from Nochten (G...
This dataset provides chironomid percent-abundance data for an Early Weichselian sediment sequence retrieved from the Nochten mine (Niederlausitz area, Germany) in 2004....