Georeferencing of the "Lorscher Codex"
Collection of historic place names from the Lorscher Codex (1176-1200). Most of the (deserted) villages and cities named in the codex had been in possession of Abbey Lorsch,... -
An Experimental Study of Precautionary Bidding [Dataset]
Auctions often involve goods exhibiting a common-knowledge ex-post risk. In such auctions, precautionary bidding predicts that under expected utility, DARA bidders reduce their... -
Seal of the University of Heidelberg - Siegel UAH AccNr 60/2012
Capturing the Heidelberg University's sealings with a 3D-scanner provides new visualizations and virtual restoration possibilities for the partially preserved damaged objects.... -
The quality of clinical maternal and neonatal healthcare
Data was collected in a total of 33 health factilities.Data was collected by direct non-participatory observation of the clinical interactions between maternal care providers... -
Why do people keep their promises? An experimental test of two explanations
Numerous psychological and economic experiments have shown that the exchange of promises greatly enhances cooperative behavior in experimental games. This paper seeks to test... -
Out-of-pocket Expenditure on Chronic Non-communicable Diseases in Rural Malaw...
Data was collected in household survey conducted in the 2 rural districts of Thyolo and Chiradzulu in southern Malawi. The main purpose of the study was to determine the... -
WikiWarsDE Corpus
The WikiWarsDE corpus is a German corpus containing Wikipedia articles with annotations of temporal expressions. Its creation was motivated by the English WikiWars corpus (Mazur... -
Zur Keramikchronologie der Römischen Kaiserzeit in Ostwestfalen anhand der Si...
Dissertation über römisch-kaiserzeitliche Keramik aus Ostwestfalen, inkl. Datensätzen zu den (keramischen) Funden und den Befunden sowie den durchgeführten Seriation en; zu den... -
Higher Order Risk Attitudes, Demographics, and Financial Decisions [Dataset]
We study the prevalence of the higher order risk attitudes of prudence and temperance in an experiment with a large demographically representative sample of participants. Under... -
A dynamic Ellsberg urn experiment [Dataset]
Abstract Many theories of updating under ambiguity assume either dynamic consistency or consequentialism to underpin behaviorally the link between conditional and... -
Belief Elicitation: A Horse Race among Truth Serums [Dataset]
We pit non-incentivized introspection against five revealed preference mechanisms (“truth serums”) in the elicitation of beliefs in a simple two-player game. We measure the... -
WikiCLIR: A Cross-Lingual Retrieval Dataset from Wikipedia
WikiCLIR is a large-scale (German-English) retrieval data set for Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR). It contains a total of 245,294 German single-sentence queries with... -
PatTR: Patent Translation Resource
PatTR is a sentence-parallel corpus extracted from the MAREC patent collection. The current version contains more than 22 million German-English and 18 million French-English... -
BoostCLIR: JP-EN Relevance Marked Patent Corpus
BoostCLIR is a bilingual (Japanese-English) corpus of patent abstracts, extracted from the MAREC patent data, and the data from the NTCIR PatentMT workshop collections,... -
Deep enzymology data related to Dukatz et al.: Complex DNA sequence readout m...
Experimental procedures: Libraries of double stranded DNA substrates with CpG, CpH or CpN sites in randomized sequence context were methlyated by DNMT3B. Reactions were stopped... -
Data for: Filling the data gaps within GRACE missions using Singular Spectrum...
Dozens of missing epochs in the monthly gravity product of the satellite mission Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and its follow-on (GRACE-FO) mission greatly... -
Data from "Extremely Small Twist Elastic Constants in Lyotropic Nematic Liqui...
Depolarized dynamic light scattering (DDLS) data, fit routine & fitting results Read me: (1) 5CB calibration Scattered light intensities of 5CB were measured in the... -
Deep enzymology data related to Adam et al.: DNA sequence-dependent activity ...
Methylation of long hemimethylated DNA substrates: Methylation of the 349 bp long hemimethylated substrate with DNMT1 was carried out in 1X methylation buffer (100 mM HEPES, 1... -
Deep enzymology data related to Adam et al.: DNA sequence-dependent activity ...
Methylation of random flank substrates: Libraries of double stranded DNA substrates with unmethylated or hemimethylated CpG sites in randomized sequence context were methlyated... -
Deep enzymology data related to Gao et al.: Comprehensive structure-function ...
Experimental procedures: Libraries of double stranded DNA substrates with CpG, CpH or CpN sites in randomized sequence context were methlyated by DNMT3A or DNMT3B. Reactions...