Relevance of Different Metadata Fields for the Description of Research Data f...
Data from a Survey at the University of Stuttgart about the relevance of different metadata fields for describing data from the engineering sciences. -
Replication Data for: Remote cooling of spin-ensembles through a spin-mechani...
Datasets to reproduce all plots in the paper. Each spreadsheet (xls file) contains the horizontal and vertical data of a subfigure. The simulation data is produced using the... -
Replication Data for: Solvothermal Template-Induced Hierarchical Porosity in ...
All primary data files of the journal article mentioned can be found here. The data is structured by analysis technique. All files are tagged with the corresponding material.... -
Collective Robotic Construction (CRC) Research Projects organized by Architec...
This dataset contains the results of a database search to obtain research articles related to collective robotic construction (CRC). The database search criteria can be found in... -
Reuse Compendium
This dataset contains a list of 348 references relating to reuse in architecture. It covers historical and contemporary reuse projects and examples in architecture, recent... -
Data for: Mechanistic Modeling of In Vivo Translation in Escherichia coli Rel...
The DaRUS repository entails and supplements the simulation data, MATLAB model and graphics for the publication: "Mechanistic Modeling of In Vivo Translation in Escherichia coli... -
Replication Data for: Olefin Metathesis and Stereoselective Ring-Opening Meta...
All primary data files associated with this publication, experimental procedures, reaction conditions and used analytical equipment can be found in detail in the experimental... -
The modular structure of alpha/beta-hydrolases: similarity of the N- and C-te...
To analyse the structural similarities of the N- and C-terminal domains, representative protein structures of each oxyanion hole type from the proteins of alpha/beta-hydrolase... -
Data for: Ab initio machine-learning unveils strong anharmonicity in non-Arrh...
The dataset contains key files to reproduce the results presented in the article " Ab initio machine-learning unveils strong anharmonicity in non-Arrhenius self-diffusion of... -
Data for: Substitute yeast extract while maintaining performance: showcase am...
The DaRUS repository contains the raw data corresponding to the figures of the manuscript "Substitute yeast extract while maintaining performance: showcase amorpha-4,11-diene... -
Replication Package for "Digital Twins for Machine Tools: A Systematic Mappin...
Replication package for the paper "Digital Twins for Machine Tools: A Systematic Mapping Study". It includes the meta data of all considered literature. -
Assessing nucleotide sugar donors inside the Golgi apparatus as a prerequisit...
The dataset presented here supplements the publication titled “Assessing Nucleotide Sugar Donors Inside the Golgi Apparatus as a Prerequisite for Unraveling Culture Impacts on... -
NGS data related to Sogl et al. "Specificities and flanking sequence preferen...
Analysis of flanking sequence preference with a randomized substrate and bioinformatic data For analysis of the flanking sequence preference, substrate with different target... -
Optimum Blue Light Exposure: A Means to Increase Cell-Specific Productivity i...
Raw Data for manuscript titled Optimum Blue Light Exposure: A Means to Increase Cell-Specific Productivity in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells This dataset was generated from... -
IntCDC Research Integration in Building Demonstrator - Ecological Quality
Building on the progress in IntCDC Building planning and construction, the life cycle assessment of the integrated research systems has been performed in interaction with the... -
Multi-storey Timber Buildings and Design and Construction Stakeholder Constel...
This repository contains a collection of data on 99 contemporary multi-storey timber building projects in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland), designed and... -
Computational design and robotic fabrication for high environmental quality t...
The dataset includes the raw data and the corresponding report for the life cycle assessment of the building demonstrator 'livMatS Biomimetic Shell' (Website). The pressure on... -
Replication Data for: "Influence of Water Content on Speciation and Phase For...
All primary data files of the journal article mentioned can be found here. The data is structured by the measurement techniques in the subfolders "PXRD", "TGA", "NMR", "PDF",... -
Data for: Semi-Continuous Biomanufacturing for Maximizing the Production of C...
The DaRUS repository contains the raw data corresponding to the figures of the manuscript "Semi-Continuous Biomanufacturing for Maximizing the Production of Complex Chemicals... -
Material Testing Data for Coreless Filament Winding Using Small-Scale, Star-T...
To understand the fabrication influence on mechanical properties and to compare different material combinations, 5 star-type composite specimens were tested. Each specimen was...