Support and integration of protection-holders from Ukraine: Capturing subject...
DE: Das Projekt untersucht die subjektiven Perspektiven von Geflüchteten aus der Ukraine über ihren Ankunftsprozess in Deutschland. Das für die weitere Verwendung zugängliche... -
Wie hängen Work Logics, Vorstellungen gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts und po...
DE: Der Datensatz der Studie "Work Logics" enthält Transkripte von 7 Gruppendiskussionen mit 6 verschiedenen Berufsgruppen (Lehrer:innen, Ingenieur:innen,... -
Vierter Engagementbericht der Bundesregierung (VEB). Transkripte der Gruppend...
DE: Der Vierte Engagementbericht der Bundesregierung widmet sich dem Thema "Zugangschancen zum freiwilligen Engagement", da aus den Ergebnissen des Freiwilligensurveys von 2019... -
Algorithmische Vorhersage und Mitbestimmung (AVuM) - Transkripte der Interviews
DE: Der Datensatz enthält Transkripte der qualitativen, teilstrukturierten Experteninterviews mit Erwerbstätigen in Unternehmen, NGOs oder gesetzlichen Interessenvertretungen in... -
Open Access, Preprints and Research Impact (OASE): Transcripts from Focus Gro...
EN: The dataset with 3 focus group interviews presented here was collected within the framework of the project "Open Access Effects – The influence of structural and... -
Lebensführung der Mittelschichten. Praktiken, Bedingungen, Störungen. Transkr...
DE: Der Datensatz enthält 39 biographisch-narrative Interviews mit leitfadengestütztem Nachfrageteil mit deutschen Mittelschichtsangehörigen. Die Interviews fanden zwischen 2017... -
Lebensplanung junger Frauen. Neue Optionen und alte Normalität. Transkripte d...
DE: Transkripte und Protokolle der qualitativen Leitfadeninterviews, die im Zeitraum 1989-1990 mit 77 jungen Frauen (im Alter von 20-30 Jahre) geführt wurden, von denen... -
MobilKULT Welle 2
This dataset has no description
Reanalysis of FDM-Communities Data for Engineering
Reanalysis (Content-analysis) of the user stories from the FDMCommunities-Survey originated from engineering researchers. bwFDM-Communities - User Stories, filtered by subject. -
Relevance of Different Metadata Fields for the Description of Research Data f...
Data from a Survey at the University of Stuttgart about the relevance of different metadata fields for describing data from the engineering sciences. -
Evaluation Research for Study Success Requirements ITT 2014/15
This dataset contains raw data variables gathered during an educational research project for the Institute of Thermodynamics and Thermal Process Engineering (ITT) at the... -
COLife_05: Gigamap and Game Introduction
The dataset presents two files: A game design introduction and the gigamap that led to its design. The design introduction has led to the implementation of the game on the... -
COLife_04 - Multi-Scale More-than-Human Atlas Gigamaping, Ecosystem Mapping a...
The dataset presents the Multi-Scale More-than-Human Atlas Gigamapping Workshop output that should evaluate and suggest new developments of COLife project prototyping. We also... -
COLife_03 - Gigamap and DIY
The dataset presents the more-than-human intervention, its codesigned gigamap that leads to it and DIY recipes for its reproduction. The dataset was achieved during the winter... -
COLife_02 - Gigamap and Game Design
The dataset covers a gigamapping of game design and execution of the game GoCOLife that introduces a more-than-human perspective to the players. The data were produced as part... -
COLife_01 - Gigamap and DIY Files
The data cover codesigned gigamap and parametric and analogue DIY files of BioDiveIn more-than-human intervention. The gigamap was a product of digital participation in the Miro... -
COLife_00 - Gigamap and Fabrication Data
The dataset covers codesign gigamapping data and the 3d parametric models from Rhino 3d of a set of responsive wood insect hotels with pollinator's gardens from the year... -
Supplementary material: "The Art of Brainwaves: A Survey on Event-Related Pot...
The purpose related to this dataset is to investigate the state of visualization in ERP (Event-Related Potential) research. The investigation was conducted through an online... -
Interview Transcripts on Conditions For Study Success (WiSe 2021/22)
This dataset contains raw interview data (transcripts) from a seminar on study success requirements ("Lernerfolgsbedingungen im Hochschulstudium", Universität Stuttgart) in... -
2023 CCN Time Window Project Code
Notebooks/ scripts used for the time window project done for our CCN contribution in 2023. The notebooks will simulate EEG data based on a known "ground truth" ERP and test...