Buoy management unit 2 data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2012-2013
This dataset contains technical parameters (Voltage in V, internal pressure in mbar, water intrusion detection, tilt in °) acquired between Jannuary 2012 and December 2012 by... -
Buoy management unit 1 data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2012-2013
This dataset contains technical parameters (Voltage in V, internal pressure in mbar, water intrusion detection, tilt in °) acquired between Jannuary 2012 and December 2012 by... -
COSTOF, technical data from SeaMoN East, node of the EMSO-Azores observatory,...
This dataset contains technical parameters (Voltage in V, current in mA, energy in Ah, internal pressure in mbar, water leak detection) acquired between Jannuary 2012 and... -
COSTOF, technical data from SeaMoN West, node of the EMSO-Azores observatory,...
This dataset contains technical parameters (Voltage in V, current in mA, energy in Ah, internal pressure in mbar, water leak detection) acquired between Jannuary 2012 and... -
Global Ocean delayed mode in-situ observations of ocean surface currents
The In Situ delayed mode product designed for reanalysis purposes integrates the best available version of in situ data for ocean surface currents. The data are collected from... -
Buoy management unit 2 data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2014-2015
This dataset contains technical parameters (Voltage in V, internal pressure in mbar, water intrusion detection, tilt in °) acquired between July 2014 and April 2015 by the buoy... -
Buoy management unit 1 data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2014-2015
This dataset contains technical parameters (Voltage in V, internal pressure in mbar, water intrusion detection, tilt in °) acquired between July 2014 and April 2015 by the buoy... -
COSTOF, technical data from SeaMoN West, node of the EMSO-Azores observatory,...
This dataset contains technical parameters (Voltage in V, current in mA, energy in Ah, internal pressure in mbar, water leak detection) acquired between July 2014 and April 2015... -
SAPERCHAIS-HF data and metadata
The SAPERCHAIS program (Suivi des Apports marins et terrigènes dans la mer des PERtuis CHarentAIS) was developed to monitor environmental fluctuations in the Pertuis Charentais... -
Ocean Salinity Stratification (OSS)
This dataset is composed by the climatological seasonal field of the Ocean Salinity Stratification as defined from the Brunt-Vaisala frequency limited to the upper 300 m depth.... -
Deep water Decapoda collected during the BENTHEDI Expedition in Mayotte regio...
The BENTHEDI 1977 Expedition took place in Mayotte region from March 17 to April 15, 1997, on board the Research Vessel R/V Suroît (SISMER, 2015). Trawls and dredges were... -
CAMBIOS, Station profiles: CTD and LADCP
The Cambios cruises aimed at studying the variability of the circulation in the Canary basin, specifically: the evolution of the Azores front and the detection of meddies. The... -
CAMBIOS, Vessel mounted ADCP data (RDI NB-75)
This dataset includes the VMADCP data from the 3 CAMBIOS cruises (processing level: L2b, sofware: Cascade) -
High variability in dissolved iron concentrations in the vicinity of the Kerg...
Dissolved Fe (dFe) concentrations were measured in the upper 1300 m of the water column in the vicinity of the Kerguelen Islands as part of the second KErguelen Ocean Plateau... -
Published estimates of life history traits for 84 populations of Teleost fishes
1) Demographic traits These data are published data of age-specific mortality rates, age-specific lengths or weights, length and age at maturity, fecundity-length relationships,... -
Observations of activity, catches, discards and causes of discards on board c...
Data were collected from the regional program LOUPE (Observation of the habitat and associated communities in the context of the fisheries of the Capbreton Canyon). It consisted... -
COSTOF, technical data from SeaMoN West, node of the EMSO-Azores observatory,...
This dataset contains technical parameters (Voltage in V, current in mA, energy in Ah, internal pressure in mbar, water leak detection) acquired between September 2013 and... -
Buoy management unit 2 data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2013-2014
This dataset contains technical parameters (Voltage in V, internal pressure in mbar, water intrusion detection, tilt in °) acquired between September 2013 and February 2014... -
Buoy management unit 1 data from the EMSO-Azores observatory, 2013-2014
This dataset contains technical parameters (Voltage in V, internal pressure in mbar, water intrusion detection, tilt in °) acquired between September 2013 and February 2014... -
Observations for Synaphobranchus kaupii from bait experiments carried out in ...
The data come from bait experiments that were carried out at three study sites (Meriadzek Terrace, terrace located between the canyon of Belle Île and the canyon of St Nazaire...