Background data for: "The instantaneous structure of a turbulent wall-bounded...
This data set contains planar Particle Image Velocimetry measurement fields for the experiments described in the article titled "The instantaneous structure of a turbulent... -
Experimental Data for Fault Diagnosis in the Adaptive High-Rise D1244
General information: This dataset is meant to serve as a benchmark problem for fault detection and isolation in dynamic systems. It contains preprocessed sensor data from the... -
Damped pendulum for nonlinear system identification - inputs are sampled from...
Overview <p>This dataset contains input-output data of a damped nonlinear pendulum that is actuated at the mounting point. The data was generated with... -
Coupled mass-spring-damper system for nonlinear system identification - actua...
Overview <p>This dataset contains input-output data of a coupled mass-spring-damper system with a nonlinear force profile. The data was generated with... -
Code for using and training spray segmentation models
This dataset contains the necessary code for using our spray segmentation model used in the paper, ML-based semantic segmentation for quantitative spray atomization description.... -
Replication Data for: "Modeling Load-, Velocity-, and Temperature-Dependent T...
This dataset contains all identification and validation data used in the conference paper "Modeling Load-, Velocity-, and Temperature-Dependent Transmission Errors of Cycloidal... -
Dataset: Single Heat Pump Simulation - Raw, 1000 Data Points
This data set serves as training data for modelling the temperature field emanating from a groundwater heat pump. It is simulated with Pflotran and saved in h5 format. It... -
Replication data for research article "Engineering the synthetic β-alanine pa...
Supplementary files of research article "Engineering the synthetic β-alanine pathway in Komagataella phaffii for conversion of methanol into 3-hydroxypropionic acid". This... -
Gerolstein, 2016-09-08 - An EnMAP Preparatory Flight Campaign
The dataset contains hyperspectral imagery acquired during airplane overflights on 8th September 2016 consisting of 242 spectral bands, ranging from VIS to SWIR (423 - 2438 nm)... -
Köthen 2011/ 2012 - An EnMAP Preparatory Flight Campaign
The dataset is composed of hyperspectral imagery acquired during airplane overflights on May 10th, 2011, June 27th, 2011 and May 24th, 2012 consisting of 367 and 368 spectral... -
Döberitzer Heide 2008/2009 - An EnMAP Preparatory Flight Campaign (Datasets)
The dataset is composed of a) hyperspectral imagery acquired during airplane overflights on August 7th, 2008 and August 20th, 2009 consisting of 126 and 125 spectral bands,... -
Nationalpark Hunsrück-Hochwald, 2014-05-05 - An EnMAP Preparatory Flight Camp...
The dataset consists of hyperspectral imagery acquired during airplane overflights on 5th May 2014 that contain 242 spectral bands, ranging from VIS to SWIR (423 - 2438 nm)... -
KiK-NET and K-NET flatfile with automatically processed ground motions
Ground-motion flatfiles are commonly used to develop ground motion models (GMMs) and for systematical analysis of ground motions over a wide range of distances and earthquake... -
Evaluation results of a knee distraction unloader brace on a robotic test ben...
Dataset Description Dataset Description This dataset is associated with the publication titled "A Distraction Knee-Brace and a Robotic Testbed for... -
Zigbee dataset
The ZBDS2023 Zigbee dataset is a collection of raw PCAP files representing a 10-day Zigbee capture session in a smart home featuring 10 Philips Hue devices. Capture is made from... -
Bauverhandlung in Wien mittels Augmented Reality (Projekt BRISE-Vienna)
This video shows the process of Augmented Reality supported building hearing in Vienna. This process was developed as part of the BRISE-Vienna research project. The aim was to... -
PHREEQC database for the thermodynamic modelling of Cu/Zn based catalyst prec...
Ready-to-use database (.dat) for the open-source software PHREEQC optimized for the thermodynamic modelling of Cu/Zn based electrolytes (e.g. in the preparation of Cu/ZnO... -
Depth progress of ultrafast laser drilling measured by means of X-ray synchro...
This dataset contains sets of video frames taken from synchrotron x-ray videos of laser drilling with an ultrafast laser in 1.4301 stainless steel. The x-ray videos show the... -
Data for: Optimized Sequences for Nonlinearity Estimation and Self-Interferen...
The dataset offers sequences that are optimized for nonlinearity estimation. The sequences are compliant to IEEE 802.11 standards and are given as binary phase shift keying... -
ABxM.Core: The Core Libraries of the ABxM Framework
The ABxM.Core consists of the agent core library ABxM.Core and an interoperability library for Rhino 6 and later versions. ABxM.Core implements the functionality specific to...