Kohlenstoffspeicherung und regionales Climate Ingeniering in Trockengebieten ...
Weltweit gibt es bis zu 1 Milliarde Hektar küstennahe Wüsten, die für eine »Begrünung« zur Verfügung stehen. Diese Gebiete nehmen aufgrund... -
euroWiss - Linguistic Profiling of European Academic Education (Subcorpus 1) ...
Subcorpus 1 presents part of the euroWiss-Corpus covering communication in teaching/learning discourses in instruction at German and Italian universities, in the humanities as... -
ELFIN-L Level 1 ENG (Electron Losses and Fields INvestigation on board the Lo...
The objective of the Lomonosov satellite development concerns the studies of the ultra-high energy cosmic rays and fast processes in optic, X-ray and gamma-ranges which occur in... -
Data from the German Continental Deep Drilling Project (KTB, Kontinentale Tie...
This data collection provides digital access to data and publications of the KTB (German Continental Deep Drilling Program) project. KTB was a very detailed, long-term Earth... -
Radiance Light Trends
Radiance Light Trends is a GIS web application that is designed to quickly display information about radiance trends at a specific location (available online at...