Marine optical absorption and attenuation during TYDEMAN cruise DCM
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Physical oceanography during TYDEMAN cruise DCM
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Hydrochemistry measured on water bottle samples during TYDEMAN cruise DCM
Marine sediments for determination of organic carbon and nitrogen was collected using paired funnel-shaped traps (0.0314 m**2 opening) suspending on buoys at two depths. One set... -
Organic carbon and nitrogen in marine sediment from short time moorings durin...
Marine sediments for determination of organic carbon and nitrogen was collected using paired funnel-shaped traps (0.0314 m**2 opening) suspending on buoys at two depths. One set... -
Primary production from simulated in situ measurements during TYDEMAN cruise DCM
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Egg production of incubated copepods during TYDEMAN cruise DCM
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Primary production from in situ measurements during TYDEMAN cruise DCM
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Phytoplankton primary production during TYDEMAN cruise DCM
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Mesozooplankton biomass during TYDEMAN cruise DCM
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Particulate organic carbon and nitrogen during TYDEMAN cruise DCM
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Chlorophyll and phaeopigments during TYDEMAN cruise DCM
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Phytoplankton pigment analysis during TYDEMAN cruise DCM
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Upwelling irradiance during TYDEMAN cruise DCM
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Downwelling irradiance during TYDEMAN cruise DCM
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Thermosalinograph data along the track of TYDEMAN cruise DCM
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Transparency measurements with Secchi disc during TYDEMAN cruise DCM
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Integrated daily PAR during TYDEMAN cruise DCM
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Photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) measured during TYDEMAN cruise DCM
Deck-PAR original data with addition of zero values for dark hours -
Oceanography during TYDEMAN cruise DCM (DeepChlorMax) to the Equatorial Atlantic
The cruise with RV Tydeman was devoted to study permanently stratified plankton systems in the (sub)tropical ocean, which are characterised by a deep chlorophyll peak between 80... -
Flying fish observations during TYDEMAN cruise DCM
Taxonomy was not performed since the fishes couldn't be caught. It was noticed that there were different species. The counting was done during a 15 minutes period on the days...