Full reciprocal space imaging of the acoustic phonons in MgV2O4:
The proposal requests time to obtain a full mapping of the low-energy acoustic phonons. We have measured an acoustic phonon anomaly associated with the structural transition and... -
Spin wave excitations in the 2D honeycomb ferromagnets
Graphene is the single layer of honeycomb-shaped carbon network, for which 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded thanks to its novel electronic properties. One of such... -
Mapping magnetic excitations in insulating phase of NaFe0.52Cu0.48As
Magnetism is believed to be linked to superconductivity in cuprates and iron pnictides. However while the parent compounds of cuprates are Mott insulators, the parent compounds... -
Characterising the Holmium contribution to excitations in Holmium Iron Garnet
Rare-earth Iron garnets (R3Fe5O12) have been in the focus of active research for the last five decades due to properties such as magnetostriction, magneto-optical effects, as...