Continuation: Magnetic Excitations in doped Ca3Ru2O7 - Investigating the role...
Ca3Ru2O7 plays host to a complex interplay between equivalent spin-orbit coupling (SOC) and electron correlation energies that foster exotic physics and an extreme sensitivity... -
Examining magnetic correlations and dynamics in the metallic non-collinear an...
Non-collinear antiferromagnets are currently an area of much active research due to their potential use in creating robust spintronic and spin memory devices. We have recently... -
Magnetic excitation spectrum of the Helimagnetic Spinel compound ZnCr2Se4
ZnCr2Se4 is a magnetically frustrated spinel compound with an incommensurate ground state. At low temperatures it displays a spin spiral structure propagating along the (100)... -
Characterising the Holmium contribution to excitations in Holmium Iron Garnet
Rare-earth Iron garnets (R3Fe5O12) have been in the focus of active research for the last five decades due to properties such as magnetostriction, magneto-optical effects, as...