Author profiling resources


El zip conté tots els recursos que s'han generat durant el desenvolupament de la tesi. Per una banda, hi ha el codi, amb el qual es poden extreure el conjunt de features tal i com es descriu a la tesi, per altre banda, hi ha també tots els datasets que s'han creat i que s'utilitzen per a tots els experiments. Utilitzant el codi, les eines externes corresponents i els datasets, es poden emular tots els experiments descrits. The zip file contains every resource that has been generated during the development of the thesis. One of the folders contains the code that is used to extract the described feature set, the other one contains every dataset that has been compiled and used in every experiment. Using the code, the external tools mentioned in the experiments and the corpora, it is possible to repeat every experiment described in the thesis.

The zip file contains every resource that has been generated during the development of the thesis. One of the folders contains the code that is used to extract the described feature set, the other one contains every dataset that has been compiled and used in every experiment. Using the code, the external tools mentioned in the experiments and the corpora, it is possible to repeat every experiment described in the thesis.

Metadata Access
Creator Soler Company, Juan ORCID logo
Publisher CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca
Publication Year 2023
Rights CC0 1.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Aggregate data; Dataset
Format application/zip; text/plain
Size 4362711; 82087987; 1097
Version 1.0
Discipline Construction Engineering and Architecture; Engineering; Engineering Sciences