This is the replication data for the publication "A Finite-Volume Moving-Mesh Method for Two-phase Flow in Fracturing Porous Media".
This dataset contains the source code of the implementation and the raw data of the published results.
This module implements two-phase flow in dynamically fractured porous media with a finite-volume moving-mesh method. The discretization employs both a mixed-dimensional and a full-dimensional fracture model. The model equations are incorporated in the fractional flow formulation and include gravitational effects. A generalized Godunov flux is incorporated to treat the hyperbolic part of the model appropriately.
Getting started
If you have put all dependent Dune modules (dune-common, dune-geometry,
dune-grid, dune-istl, dune-localfunctions, dune-mmesh and dumux in the shipped version) into a directory of your choice,
you can configure and build the modules calling
./dune-common/bin/dunecontrol all
Afterwards, you can run the example case in dumux-movingmesh/build-cmake/examples executing
python3 --case [1|2|3]
which executes both the lowdim and the fulldim version and plots the results into the folder