Supplementary material for "The Effects of Surfaces and Confinement on Formic Acid Dehydrogenation Catalyzed by an Immobilized Ru-H Complex: Insights from Molecular Simulation and Neutron Scattering"


This dataset contains simulation input files in GROMACS format accompanying the mentioned publication. Structure, topology, and simulation parameter-files (directory mdp) are provided for bulk simulations of pure dioxane and formic acid as well as mixture of both in pore and bulk simulation. The pore simulation is divided into three steps, an energy-minimization, an NVT equilibration, and an NVT production simulation run. While the bulk simulations introduce an NpT step after the first equilibration step and an NpT production run instead of a NVT production. Provided structure files are of an already equilibrated system. Object files are supplied which can be used to load the generated pores into PoreMS for later alteration and analysis. Results of density of pore systems are provided in hdf5 format to be processed with the PoreAna python package. Jupyter notebooks to load and display with PoreAna the data are provided. Also yaml files which contain the density of the pure and mixture bulk simulations are added to the data set. Here an accompanying jupyter notebook to read the yaml files is supplied with.

In addition, the data set contains data from IR and NMR experiments.

We recommend viewing the data by choosing the option "Tree".

Related Identifier IsCitedBy
Metadata Access
Creator Högler, Marc ORCID logo; Hansen, Niels ORCID logo
Publisher DaRUS
Contributor Högler, Marc; Hansen, Niels
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference DFG 358283783 - SFB 1333
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Högler, Marc (Universität Stuttgart); Hansen, Niels (Universität Stuttgart)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/octet-stream; text/tab-separated-values; image/png; text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; application/x-ipynb+json; text/plain; application/x-tgif; application/x-hdf5; application/x-yaml; application/vnd.shana.informed.formtemplate; text/xml; application/x-spss-por
Size 524288; 32768; 56010; 42960; 7728042; 2760046; 6734454; 5740857; 4747257; 3753654; 6734458; 5740858; 5244054; 4747256; 3753658; 6734456; 7728039; 7728050; 2760058; 7231254; 6734459; 5740854; 4747260; 28201585; 8790; 8793; 8792; 8821; 8072; 9714; 9706; 8068; 8067; 8086; 8087; 8057; 9711; 8958; 8960; 8959; 8962; 8943; 8978; 8949; 8946; 8945; 8990; 9798; 8956; 9803; 8197; 8174; 8159; 8173; 8961; 8167; 8182; 253869; 7495; 986; 956; 1126; 406; 996; 1022; 383; 1100; 400; 397; 659; 1074; 1010; 1052; 413; 1048; 917; 675; 1412; 1133; 647; 638; 61; 1934; 1935; 1128; 1936; 1942; 1943; 4303; 1538; 1931; 2153; 1937; 1938; 20913; 1391; 1944; 1941; 2141; 1933; 1930; 1939; 1932; 2143; 1929; 4545; 3400; 1164; 1940; 4307; 3410; 2048; 1266; 3402; 4374; 981; 4305; 1249; 2345; 2498; 3895; 7084; 2152; 3536; 4299; 1838; 4302; 1927; 9289; 2144; 2915; 4585; 4376; 2187; 3887; 4384; 4131; 2150; 2149; 2237; 4304; 2920; 1764; 6485; 1265; 87; 86; 84; 82; 77; 81; 3013945; 11362884; 11186275; 3067405; 11489910; 11313298; 349; 20480; 1712140; 8155994; 8063554; 1950820; 8722003; 8629548; 352; 21320; 3563261; 22880704; 22676026; 347; 506; 1492; 1435; 796; 713; 493; 517; 7373; 681; 101; 360; 262144; 8192; 16384; 5499; 5656; 2324; 3964; 3663; 292; 2339; 5131; 5134; 1661; 297; 338; 337; 339; 340; 346; 341; 343; 345; 333; 342; 344; 135525; 1281; 867; 3296; 1780; 1775; 1723; 2035; 1799; 1414; 754884; 46425; 54976; 500; 514; 478; 488; 508; 476; 518; 511; 512; 510; 516; 509; 486; 900; 897; 901; 899; 1417; 1409; 1855; 1418; 1416; 1804; 1410; 1408; 2853; 391; 386; 2400; 2528; 18077599; 5368778; 2430; 17407885; 5164952; 2431; 18141769; 5388323; 2444; 17396017; 5161355; 2445; 34782775; 10695359; 2446; 33529321; 10313873; 2447; 34845496; 10714490; 33488335; 10301441; 3938; 962; 1740; 465693; 461911; 1676; 1013; 1816; 1793; 1808; 2151; 1853; 1843; 1794; 1811; 1807; 1712; 1880; 1814; 1809; 1903; 1791; 2294; 1696; 1850; 1833; 1801; 2292; 1798; 1800; 1789; 1826; 1835; 1790; 1695; 1815; 1792; 1829; 1827; 1813; 1806; 1858; 1849; 1810; 1797; 1841; 1847; 1824; 1852; 2295; 2312; 2320; 2293; 2316; 2318; 2317; 2314; 2311; 2277; 2313; 2327; 2343; 2330; 2315; 2310; 2308; 2305; 2321; 1834; 1702; 2306; 1703; 2285; 2307; 2296; 1701; 2319; 2350; 2309; 2304; 2346; 2405; 2289; 2352; 2301; 1894; 2323; 2342; 2322; 2391; 2300; 1912; 2332; 2341; 2348; 2291; 2351; 4581; 4306; 1309; 114564; 304; 56019; 56119; 56028; 56013; 56056; 56017; 463; 619; 628; 1481; 1527; 11896; 3109; 3069; 3197; 3193; 1680; 1252; 1778; 1377; 823; 1434; 1711; 1316; 1636; 1645; 1763; 1597; 1339; 1918; 1444; 1197; 1357; 1660; 1330; 3676; 1374; 2064; 1603; 1223; 7341; 1672; 1371; 1630; 1238; 1741; 1405; 1562; 1272; 1437; 1388; 1596; 1251; 1182; 1500; 1185; 1619; 1438; 1521; 1312; 1299; 1274; 1382; 1359; 1609; 3262; 1364; 1346; 1233; 1226; 1735; 1693; 1195; 1861; 1650; 1662; 1684; 1690; 1286; 1257; 1637; 1383; 1240; 1380; 1184; 1253; 1230; 1342; 1571; 1647; 1627; 1337; 1237; 1341; 1229; 1231; 1724; 1354; 1705; 1322; 1766; 1165; 1217; 1643; 1254; 4297; 1570; 1651; 1420; 1822; 1344; 1221; 1227; 1591; 1208; 1166; 1313; 1295; 1378; 1196; 1211; 1268; 1349; 1644; 1306; 1505; 1717; 1362; 1168; 5890; 1686; 1738; 1765; 1318; 1200; 1301; 1802; 1236; 1305; 1576; 1453; 1167; 1464; 1303; 1682; 1683; 1317; 1376; 1206; 2020; 1307; 1614; 1189; 1503; 1830; 1242; 1347; 1370; 1215; 4877; 1186; 1319; 1398; 1629; 1259; 1290; 1273; 1762; 1218; 1287; 1174; 1784; 1243; 1327; 1269; 6893; 3256; 1277; 1842; 1363; 2505; 2934; 1480; 1331; 2742; 1351; 1433; 1640; 1734; 1399; 1862; 1278; 1386; 1199; 1332; 1276; 954; 1442; 1264; 1241; 1379; 1771; 1228; 1263; 1639; 1732; 1224; 1727; 27; 29; 32; 33; 42; 28; 73; 31; 30; 43; 34; 59; 62; 47; 37; 66; 25; 54; 55; 50; 46; 67; 6330; 740; 6274; 721; 5236; 21563; 17787; 25470; 100
Version 1.0
Discipline Chemistry; Natural Sciences