Version = 0.22 used on 2012/03/12 12:25:00,Release = 8,Castpart = down,nc_data_set_type = ctd,nc_ext = ctd,nc_title = IFM-GEOMAR PO-processed CTD data,nc_ship_name = FS Meteor III,nc_pi_name = Martin Frank,nc_cruise_leg = 3,nc_chief_scientist = Martin Frank,nc_author = Gerd Krahmann,nc_contact =,nc_data_type = station data,nc_source = CTD profile observation, nc_institution = IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel,nc_institution_references = ,nc_comment = Low Oxygen values are likely too high by 1 to 2 mumol/kg, higher values are ok. Near surface S values are problematic because of biology. A few negative oxygen values appear to be caused by an overshoot of Seabirds oxygen hysteresis correction in extremely strong vertical oxygen gradients,nc_references =,nc_history = created during CTD processing,nc_cdm_data_type = Station,nc_quality_control_indicator = 5,nc_quality_index = A,nc_project = SFB754,nc_uncertainty_p = 2.000000,nc_uncertainty_t = 0.002000,nc_uncertainty_s = 0.003000,nc_uncertainty_o = 2.000000,Comment = Fluorescence offset is 0.048 (subtract this from the values to remove deck offset)